Someone please help this noob!

This time you want the wuunderground to show up in group. You check the entity_id name and put it in the group you want.

im lost there

what ever you put in your sensor platform. when ha know it will give the entity_id with sensor in front of the name.
In the entity_id will now show sensor.temp_high_record_c and sensor.tmep_high_1d_c

you use this entity id to put in the group platform

  - platform: wunderground
    api_key: 7c862c00f78cd8ed
      - temp_high_record_c
      - temp_high_1d_c

  name: Weather overview
      - sensor.temp_high_record_c
      - sensor.tmep_high_1d_c

so in config or group yaml

Did you see the sensor.temp_high_record_c and other sensor.*** from entity_id page?
If you see it then use that entity_id in group plaftorm

where your groups.yaml is put the group platform in that file. don’t mix up in configuration.yaml

it says invalid

what is invalid? did you check from for your config?

yes it is not bring up the sensor

what the entity_id page given from wuunderground. use that entity_id to put in group you want.

yeah unless it is the api key i dont have that

to get the api key from wuunderground. You need to sign in to wuunderground. then you will have the api key.

My, i used darksky.

yeah i have an api key just not sure where to put the code in the comand line i guess. right now im trying to get my sutomations to work but they are not working right instead of controling one light it is turning them all on. this is so much more work then i was hoping for…

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in your automation. service part. the entity_id have to be specific one light. not the group of light.

yeah it is. it was working and i was testing it and now none of the lights are working

i did a restart and heal and its back up do i need to set something so it refreshes every so often?

i only have it set for one light still turning them all on. :frowning:

automation is always on, I mean automation always listen to the trigger and condition inside the automation itself when you restart your HA.

in the action type I see switch.turn_on. So from what I understand you need to put entity_id of the switch you want to turn it on. If you leave blank it might turn on all the switches. I want to see the automations.yaml file from configuration page I cannot help you much.

here is the sample from homeassistant cookbook which would be helpful to you.