Something causing my RPi 3b+ to throttle back


Running Hassio on an RPi 3b+ for the last couple of months no problem. Suddenly yesterday the red light is flashing on and off, indicating power issues.

I have used two separate 2 Amp plugs and different USB leads and still the problem persists.

My CPU useage is constantly nearly at full:

Using an RPI custom power monitor component, I get constantly throttling:

When the red light is off, the whole thing is frozen for a few seconds - ssh, samba, the web interface, automations, everything.

Is there some kind of “top” command I can run in hassio to see what’s using so much power?

ssh root to your pi, at command prompt type: mpstat 10 (multiprocessor status, update interval 10 seconds)

edit: just checked, there is a top in

edit to edit: and as usual, top is the biggest resource hog when I check with it. :slight_smile:

The recommended power supply for the Pi 3b+ is 2.5A.

For high load stuff I know, but for a very small 6-light HA setup… I doubt it’s pulling anywhere near that.

Changed my USB cable for a shorter one, the issue is now resolved.