Hi there.
Now that I limited the OZW log level to warning and higher, I started to notice a few warning and error messages that I was not aware of.
As soon as my HA starts, I get the following warning logged:
Warning, Node016, Couldn't Generate Nonce Key for Node 16
By the way, Node016 is an Aeotec Home Energy Meter, if that is relevant.
This warning occurs a couple of times on startup, so I guess it goes away as soon as the z-wave network starts. Nonetheless, what could be the root cause for this?
Another message that pops up regularly is this one:
ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
This occurs on several nodes of my zwave network, including Node016.
Any clues of what may be causing this?
And finally, the following error occurs also very often:
Error, contrlr, ERROR: ZW_SEND_DATA could not be delivered to Z-Wave stack
Error, NodeXXX, ERROR: ZW_SEND_DATA could not be delivered to Z-Wave stack
These errors occur within the first 10 - 15 minutes after a HA restart, but they also come up when I turn on or off some of the zwave switches on my z-wave network.
And it may be a coincidence, but I’ve noticed that if I turn on a switch and this last error message is logged, the switch seems to stick to ON if I try to turn it off (I have to turn it off two or three times to make it work).
Anyone has a clue of what is happening here?