Somfy blinds and home automation


I have a nodered dashboard setup and all zigbee devices communicating via a Conbee II gateway.

I’m about to order some roller blinds and the manufacturer only provides Somfy motors with the blinds.

I can see Somfy supports the Zigbee protocol and they also have their own gateway called “Tahoma” which is fairly expensive.

Has anyone managed to integrate somfy blinds with nodered and the Conbee II? I can have nodered communicate via HASS if I need to. Interested to hear your setup.

On the Conbee II website somfy blinds are not listed on the compatibility list, but neither are a lot of other devices I have successfully connected up.

Hi, I’m in the same phase, about to order roller blinds with Somfy.
Would also like to use Zwave or Zigbee, but not much info to find how/if this integrates with HA.
What is your experience?