Somfy/Overkiz: Support for manu/auto mode toggle on UNO smoove switches

I have these somfy switches that allow to toggle between manu/auto mode:

When using automations from an “official” somfy remote (nina io timer in my case) the blinds will only be moved when the toggle is set to ‘auto’. As far as I can see, Homeassistant/overkiz only offers the generic cover open/close services but no way to make a distinction whether the command came from an automation or from manual interaction. I believe there should be some kind of command/parameter in the overkiz API to make this distinction?

Have you looked at the overkiz api?

I’ve found no real documentation besides what is in GitHub - iMicknl/python-overkiz-api: Async Python wrapper to interact with internal Somfy TaHoma API, or other OverKiz API's.

At least there I found the constant ROCKER_SWITCH_AUTO_MANU_UP_DOWN_CONTROLLER which sounds kind of related but I’m lacking a bigger picture and context of how this whole API works and is integrated into Home Assistant.