Recently bought 2 blinds with lift and tilt motors. The motors used are Somfy Sonesse 40 IO.
They are currently hanging and are able to be controlled with a Situo 5 IO. Which works. However what I understood is that when connected to a switch you can control the tilt in the full range (0-100). In comparison to the “my” settings on the remote.
As in the near future 15+ more of these devices will be installed I wanted to start simple (with 2).
Next step was that I installed a Tahoma Switch and enabled local API (developer mode). This box is now integrated in my HA environment. It also picked up the configured/detected sonesse 40 IO motors. So all good on that.
However in the somfy/Tahoma app I only can control the up/down and the “my”.
(Which I understood as before)
So moving on to HA trying to control. IN the standard imported data from the Tahoma I have the same settings: up/down and “My”.
Started to read more and more on the forum, but no one-on-one question existed. First I tried a yaml panel:
type: entities
title: Somfy - BG - Trapgat Kelder
- entity: cover.sonesse_40_io
name: Vertical Position
type: custom:slider-entity-row
- entity: number.sonesse_40_io_my_position
name: Tilt Position
type: custom:slider-entity-row
Of course up/down works, but not tilt position.
The code originally looked like this:
type: entities
title: luxaflex
- entity: cover.roller_shutter_2_2
type: custom:slider-entity-row
- entity: cover.roller_shutter_2_2
attribute: tilt
name: Groot Tilt
type: custom:slider-entity-row
- entity: cover.roller_shutter_2
type: custom:slider-entity-row
- entity: cover.roller_shutter_2
attribute: tilt
type: custom:slider-entity-row
name: Klein Tilt
Attribute tilt was not recognized…
Then reading more in the Overkiz doc about the “cover” fucntion and finding some samples I tried the following template cover:
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Stairwell Basement Cover Tilt"
#name: "Stairwell Basement Cover Tilt"
position_template: "{{ state_attr('cover.sonesse_40_io', 'current_tilt_position') | int }}"
availability_template: "{% if is_state('cover.sonesse_40_io', 'unavailable') %} false {% else %} true {% endif %}"
device_class: blind
service: cover.open_cover_tilt
entity_id: cover.sonesse_40_io
service: cover.close_cover_tilt
entity_id: cover.sonesse_40_io
service: cover.set_cover_tilt_position
entity_id: cover.sonesse_40_io
tilt_position: "{{position}}"
This also gave me the “unavailable”
And when trying to move the slider:
Failed to call service cove/set_cover_tilt_position. extra keys not allowed @data [‘tilt’]
Currently a buit stuck if IO motors are actually capable in moving the tilt and lifting, or should I have bought RTS motors?
Hope here on the forum is some help to move me forward.
More debug can be supplied if necesary.