Somfy Switch control tilt with Somfy IO Motor in Blinds (lift & tilt)

Recently bought 2 blinds with lift and tilt motors. The motors used are Somfy Sonesse 40 IO.
They are currently hanging and are able to be controlled with a Situo 5 IO. Which works. However what I understood is that when connected to a switch you can control the tilt in the full range (0-100). In comparison to the “my” settings on the remote.

As in the near future 15+ more of these devices will be installed I wanted to start simple (with 2).
Next step was that I installed a Tahoma Switch and enabled local API (developer mode). This box is now integrated in my HA environment. It also picked up the configured/detected sonesse 40 IO motors. So all good on that.
However in the somfy/Tahoma app I only can control the up/down and the “my”.
(Which I understood as before)

So moving on to HA trying to control. IN the standard imported data from the Tahoma I have the same settings: up/down and “My”.

Started to read more and more on the forum, but no one-on-one question existed. First I tried a yaml panel:

type: entities
title: Somfy - BG - Trapgat Kelder
  - entity: cover.sonesse_40_io
    name: Vertical Position
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
  - entity: number.sonesse_40_io_my_position
    name: Tilt Position
    type: custom:slider-entity-row

Of course up/down works, but not tilt position.
The code originally looked like this:

type: entities
title: luxaflex
  - entity: cover.roller_shutter_2_2
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
  - entity: cover.roller_shutter_2_2
    attribute: tilt
    name: Groot Tilt
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
  - entity: cover.roller_shutter_2
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
  - entity: cover.roller_shutter_2
    attribute: tilt
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    name: Klein Tilt

Attribute tilt was not recognized…

Then reading more in the Overkiz doc about the “cover” fucntion and finding some samples I tried the following template cover:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Stairwell Basement Cover Tilt"
        #name: "Stairwell Basement Cover Tilt"
        position_template: "{{ state_attr('cover.sonesse_40_io', 'current_tilt_position') | int }}"
        availability_template: "{% if is_state('cover.sonesse_40_io', 'unavailable') %} false {% else %} true {% endif %}"
        device_class: blind
          service: cover.open_cover_tilt
            entity_id: cover.sonesse_40_io
          service: cover.close_cover_tilt
            entity_id: cover.sonesse_40_io
          service: cover.set_cover_tilt_position
            entity_id: cover.sonesse_40_io
            tilt_position: "{{position}}"

This also gave me the “unavailable”
And when trying to move the slider:
Failed to call service cove/set_cover_tilt_position. extra keys not allowed @data [‘tilt’]

Currently a buit stuck if IO motors are actually capable in moving the tilt and lifting, or should I have bought RTS motors?
Hope here on the forum is some help to move me forward.

More debug can be supplied if necesary.

Just for information whom may be looking for this as well:
Somfy Switch is not able to resgister Sonesse 40 IO motors as Jalousie/Blind application. Only as roller shutter, therefore it will not enable “tilt” in the app.

Today I will receive Velux KLF200 to see if that one is able to do the trick, otherwise I will remove the IO motors and proceed the RTS path.

For reference:

Is this not supported in the official Somfy app? As far as I know, this device should be supported through the official Somfy apps. Big chance that it is not (yet) supported via HA.

Not getting it to work (tilt) with Tahoma Switch (official App), remote Situo 5 io Atcic II, remote Variation A/M io Pure.

Also tried Velux KLF200, did not even detect the motor.
Spend already quite some time and so far I have not found anywhere information (or confirmation) of people who use Sonesse 40 IO in their lift and tilt application.