Somfy Tahoma dual integration

Hi all,

I’m setting up Home assistant for my office.
Currently I have two Somfy Tahoma on 2 different account (Somfy limitation), I’m able to integrate the first one using standard integration, but when I try to add the second one, It says only one Tahoma integration is supported.

Do you think is there any way to integrate second one?

Currently I’m running on HA core-2021.3.4

Thanks guys.


Hi @maximo83!

I am not sure why you need two accounts, but the custom tahoma integration will allow you to add multiple accounts. See GitHub - iMicknl/ha-tahoma: Custom component for Home Assistant to interact with smart devices via Somfy TaHoma or other OverKiz based API's..

@tetienne, could multiple accounts be supported for Somfy as well, or is the OAuth mechanism the blocking factor?

To be checked, but I think for the Somfy official component I didn’t add the multi account. Normally you have one house :sweat_smile:

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