Overkiz API and Somfy API

Hi, does the new component allow to use command of slow speed to open and close the shutters ?

from the beginning I use Tahoma component and everything is perfect it just lacks the slow speed control

This is not yet supported but it can be easily added as a service.

Indeed, good suggestion @clemalex. I have created an issue on GitHub to track your feature request. https://github.com/iMicknl/ha-tahoma/issues/219

Thank you because I couldn’t.

I am new here, and I have an HA fully configured with many integrations. I already use the somfy integration module but I am have some requests with it

  • for the “Somfy One” and outdoor camera, I can juste open or close the private “door”. Ican’t see the alarm status or see image from the camera.
  • for the roller, is it possible to add the favorit position “My” ?
  • I have a zwave dongle on my tahoma but I don’t see the Zwave module in my HA, is it a normal behavior?
  • I don’t read the full API documentation but is it possible to import all the element from Somfy protect ? (presence detector, opened door detector…)

@PoVPoV are you using the Somfy integration? The official API doesn’t support many devices, thus many people are using the Somfy TaHoma integration (beta) which is currently in development.

Have a look at:
https://github.com/imicknl/ha-tahoma and Tahoma Integration Refactored

In case you have feedback / feature requests, feel free to create a GitHub issue.

Thanks for the information. The HACS integration was a bit difficult.
I loss some functionnality with Tahoma integration : securty equipement are not present.
I activated debug :

 2020-08-12 15:14:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.tahoma] Unsupported TaHoma device detected (myfox:SomfyOnePlusCameraController - Camera - MyFoxSecurityCamera)
2020-08-12 15:14:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.tahoma] Unsupported TaHoma device detected (myfox:SomfyProtectSecurityCameraController - Camera - MyFoxSecurityCamera)
2020-08-12 15:14:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.tahoma] Unsupported TaHoma device detected (myfox:SomfyProtectAlarmController - Alarm - MyFoxAlarmController)
2020-08-12 15:14:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.tahoma] Unsupported TaHoma device detected (rtds:RTDSRemoteControllerComponent - RemoteController - AlarmRemoteController)
2020-08-12 15:14:24 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.tahoma] Unsupported TaHoma device detected (zwave:NodeComponent - NetworkComponent - Node)

Do you know if those equipement will be or can be integrated ?

PS : sorry for my bad english.

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You can run the official Somfy integration and the TaHoma integration next to each other if you like. Which of those devices were working using the official Somfy integration? I didn’t think that it would support your Camera and Alarm already.

Please create a GitHub issue for your unsupported devices, as mentioned above.

Thanks I created two GitHub issues.
I hope it will be enought (for the two cameras : Somfy one plus and outdoor camera)
The Somy One plus is hosting other home security component but I don’t know if you can retreive some informations about them.

How are managed the Tahoma version in hacs ?
Is there any auto update ?
How do I the update ?

Updates will show automatically in the HACS tab. You could also install the latest master by choosing ‘reinstall’,

Can’t login through the custom ha-tahoma integration talked about above? Should my regular somfy credentials work? I’ve got the Somfy Connexoon IO. And can use the offical integration but no devices shows up except for the hub.

I get invalid auth on the custom Tahamo integration in HA, and I can’t login to tahomalink.com either. Tried with my Somfy credentials. The official Somfy integration works though in HA, except no of my devices show up except for the hub itself.

Hello @imick,
Thanks for the last version updated.
Do you know if it possible to have an alarm status ? (not arm or disarm) but if it’s active or not (siren status and detectino status)
Do I have to create/open an issue ?

It should be available already. However, if your TaHoma alarm panel doesn’t broadcast the status, but your sensor does, it will be a different story.

Please create an issue on GitHub describing the scenario and your device details and I will have a look!

How the alarm panel broadcast the status? I want to make automation (blink light and open cover / roller) when detection is working and detect someone.

Which one do you have? We had an user on GitHub that created an automation running on triggered. https://github.com/iMicknl/ha-tahoma/issues/212#issuecomment-674753859

If you can not get it working and you don’t see the status changing in your states, please create a bug report on GitHub.

Hi all, I have the following issue with both the official and the custom Tahoma component: When using the cover.close service for a group of 10 covers it sometimes happens that one random cover does not close. Any thoughts?

hello, you can create a scene from the tahoma. Then you can make a service turn on scene.

That’s exactly what I did. It works perfectly.