Overkiz API and Somfy API

Great to hear! What could we improve to make this more clear for Connexoon users? Would it be sufficient to add a note on the documentation or should we also add a small note to the config flow. (the popup you see when you add Somfy TaHoma in HA).

I think a note in the documentation would be fine. Other strange thing I found was that I could not select the Tahoma integration by adding it via the UI, it was simply not there. So I proceeded by adding the tahoma config section to my yaml and that seemed to work.

Are you sure you talk about the Tahoma custom component, the one available with HACS?

No I am talking about installing the Tahoma integration via the integrations page as stated in the documentation:

Copy the custom_components/tahoma to your custom_components folder. Reboot Home Assistant and install the Somfy TaHoma integration via the integrations page.

It should be in your integration list when you are looking for ‘Somfy TaHoma’. I have seen some bugs with config flows for custom components (like HACS) in the past, but I didn’t face it recently. A restart of HA combined with a cache delete in the browser does the trick most of the time.

Since yesterday evening i have authentication issues with Tahoma.

Logger: custom_components.tahoma
Source: custom_components/tahoma/coordinator.py:56
Integration: Somfy TaHoma (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 28. September 2020, 20:27:07 (1487 occurrences)
Last logged: 08:56:50

Unexpected error fetching TaHoma Event Fetcher data: Bad credentials

Traceback (most recent call last): File “/config/custom_components/tahoma/coordinator.py”, line 52, in _async_update_data events = await self.client.fetch_events() File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyhoma/client.py”, line 150, in fetch_events response = await self.__post(f"events/{self.event_listener_id}/fetch") File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyhoma/client.py”, line 250, in __post await self.check_response(response) File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyhoma/client.py”, line 286, in check_response raise NotAuthenticatedException(message) pyhoma.exceptions.NotAuthenticatedException: Not authenticated During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/update_coordinator.py”, line 143, in async_refresh self.data = await self._async_update_data() File “/config/custom_components/tahoma/coordinator.py”, line 56, in _async_update_data await self.client.login() File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyhoma/client.py”, line 83, in login response = await self.__post(“login”, data=payload) File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyhoma/client.py”, line 250, in __post await self.check_response(response) File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyhoma/client.py”, line 282, in check_response raise BadCredentialsException(message) pyhoma.exceptions.BadCredentialsException: Bad credentials

I also tried a reinstall, but it did not work.
Bildschirmfoto von ScreenFloat (29-09-20, 08-54-23)

I have seen a similar issue on the HomeBridge plugin: Bad credentials suddenly · Issue #204 · dubocr/homebridge-tahoma · GitHub… Hopefully they are not blocking our work.

I personally have had the same error, however only 5 times on a certain time frame. What update interval are you using?

First occurred: September 28, 2020, 8:27:20 PM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: September 28, 2020, 8:42:41 PM

Could you perhaps create an issue on our GitHub? Issues · iMicknl/ha-tahoma · GitHub

I run these 100% as automation using scenes. Every morning 6:45 i open all covers. Every evening at 22:00 i close them. Weekend 8:00, 22:00

Thats it. Both times do not work anymore.

I also have shading automations in place based on light sensors, unfortunately not available through the new Somfy API.

I’ve contacted the Somfy Support to understand where this issue comes from. @ikewestbrook did you change the poll frequency?

Thanks for contacting them. I did not do any changes to the automations in the last days. Just added a 60 second delay between scenes as part of the automations, to ensure that not more than 10 covers are handled at the same time.

It looks like many people are facing issues with ‘Bad Credentials’. In case you have issues at the moment, it would be good to understand the update interval set via integrations -> options and all entries in your log (with debug mode on).
You can post it in the following issue: https://github.com/iMicknl/ha-tahoma/issues/278

A quick update; we just created a pull request to add the first part of the new Somfy TaHoma integration which uses the unofficial API. Hopefully it will be in the next Home Assistant version.
(and leave us a thumbs up / heart if you are waiting for this integration to be merged :wink: )

Any features you are still missing in the Somfy TaHoma integration? Let us know on GitHub.


Hi all, I’m using this integration (Somfy - Home Assistant) with official Tahoma API and today I received following email:

Subject: TaHoma API usage warning

Warning on the way you use the TaHoma API
Dear customer,

In an ongoing effort to provide the best services to our users, we monitor the traffic generated by our applications and Smart Home boxes (TaHoma and Connexoon). It appears that you are using a third-party solution, either developed by yourself or provided by an external entity (developer or community of developers not working for Somfy). Such developments are made without our willingness and, sometimes, do not respect our usage guidelines.

We are contacting you today to update the way your script or your application behaves with our API as it is overconsuming our backend resources for your own installation. To do so, please contact the provider of your solution or update your code by October 31st.

We are asking all third-party scripts or application to reduce their polling activity on our API. In particular, the GET /setup endpoint is meant to be used once and only once by end-user session and not to regularly refresh the devices data.

As we do not want every TaHoma and Connexoon users be impacted by the overuse of some individuals, we will react in the coming months and set up rate limiters and automated bans if such changes are not applied.

Thank you for your understanding.

Only thing in my config is client_id and client_secret, apart from that I didn’t change anything. Would it please be possible to make the integration compliant with the new API or is it something wrong on my side?

Thank you and have a nice day

I have 9 covers and a tahoma box. I use the official home assistant integration from 0.95 version of core. Today i recived an email from Somfy with subject “TaHoma API usage warning” with the following text:

Dear customer,

In an ongoing effort to provide the best services to our users, we monitor the traffic generated by our applications and Smart Home boxes (TaHoma and Connexoon). It appears that you are using a third-party solution, either developed by yourself or provided by an external entity (developer or community of developers not working for Somfy). Such developments are made without our willingness and, sometimes, do not respect our usage guidelines.

We are contacting you today to update the way your script or your application behaves with our API as it is overconsuming our backend resources for your own installation. To do so, please contact the provider of your solution or update your code by October 31st.

We are asking all third-party scripts or application to reduce their polling activity on our API. In particular, the GET /setup endpoint is meant to be used once and only once by end-user session and not to regularly refresh the devices data.

As we do not want every TaHoma and Connexoon users be impacted by the overuse of some individuals, we will react in the coming months and set up rate limiters and automated bans if such changes are not applied.

Thank you for your understanding.

What happen? What can I do to prevent the integration from stopping after October 31st?

@dodvarko could you double check if you are using the Somfy integration or the Somfy TaHoma integration in Home Assistant?

@gabriele.manchi thanks for reporting! We are aware of this message by Somfy, and our response will be tracked here: https://github.com/iMicknl/ha-tahoma/issues/289.
We will soon bring out a new build with more debug options to understand in which situations we are overusing the Somfy TaHoma API.

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Just to let you know I also got the email…

me too:
I am on Home Assistant 0.112.4 in docker

Same here, just got the email.

I’m using the Somfy Integration

+1 more for the email