I used postman to check for the values and it basically returns two brackets one for each direction. since the attributes have the same name how would I import this into HA to use within the Energy integration?
"a_l1": 5.578000068664551,
"a_l2": 5.7820000648498535,
"a_l3": 5.793000221252441,
"channel": 1,
"deviceid": 4,
"direction": "production",
"error": 0,
"kwh_exported": 0,
"kwh_imported": 3157,
"v_l1_l2": 397.5,
"v_l1_n": 226.3000030517578,
"v_l2_l3": 399.29998779296875,
"v_l2_n": 231.10000610351562,
"v_l3_l1": 390.79998779296875,
"v_l3_n": 229.1999969482422,
"va_total": 3924.800048828125,
"var_total": -1351.9000244140625,
"w_l1": 1192.5999755859375,
"w_l2": 1262.800048828125,
"w_l3": 1229.300048828125,
"w_total": 3684.699951171875
"a_l1": 1.7009999752044678,
"a_l2": 2.306999921798706,
"a_l3": 0.8109999895095825,
"channel": 2,
"deviceid": 4,
"direction": "consumption",
"error": 0,
"kwh_exported": 0,
"kwh_imported": 5752.39990234375,
"v_l1_l2": 397.6000061035156,
"v_l1_n": 226.3000030517578,
"v_l2_l3": 399.29998779296875,
"v_l2_n": 231.10000610351562,
"v_l3_l1": 391.1000061035156,
"v_l3_n": 229.1999969482422,
"va_total": 1086.5999755859375,
"var_total": -702.7000122070312,
"w_l1": 229.8000030517578,
"w_l2": 432.79998779296875,
"w_l3": 166.3000030517578,
"w_total": 828.9000244140625