Sonoff and mqtt initial issue

so ive been playing around with home assistant and after i bought the air quality sensor from ikea i wanted to capture the extra details and followed varies guides how to get the MQTT installed and set up but keep getting the following error and its driving me mad!

ive done the obvious thing of disabling and eventually just removing the zigbee addon that popped up when i first plugged in my Sonoff. From what ive read so far the MQTT thing is likely to be useful so im keen to try and get it working but being new to this also adds another level of complexity and frustration.

would welcome any ideas

Is ZHA installed/running ?

I dont see any addon called ZHA, not sure if its called something else - sorry i am new.

I did have something called Zigbee Device with big Red icon and black Z through it, that was used to test the actual sensor initially but i disabled and remove that. the only addons i have are

ive installed mosquitto broker and zigbee2mqtt

You have a dongle-E

Did you add under serial:

  adapter: ezsp


yeah it is the E model with latest firmware, i also added that line of code

Ok, it is the add-on, so remove the serial, and set adapter to the left

port: >-
adapter: ezsp

OMG that was the fix thank you so much for the help!

i did notice a warning for the EZSP being deprecated but thats a problem for another day i feel

I did not know what version of firmware you have on the dongle. If it is 7.4.x, you can change ezsp for ember, for lower versions of the firmware, only ezsp works.