Hi guys. I have a Sonoff Basic in my suite, with the GPIO3 connect directly to my standart wall switch. This work for 2 weeks and now stop. Try to reset device, flash again, try to connect only two Dupont wires to test but notting. Change for a new and and after one week same problem. I can flash the device again but cant use RX as Switch. Change config and move wire to GPIO1 (TX) work again. What i can do to prevent this problem ? Thanks !!
No idea. You don’t even tell us what you flashed it with!
Don’t use Rx or Tx. Use GPIO14. It is present on the header.
There is no GPIO14 on the new R2 version of Sonoff Basic. Using Tasmota !!
Try looking at this, google found it - I have no idea if he is right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTOkpNAWMe8
Ok you did not mention R2.
For the R2 you can use GPiO2, maybe. It cant be low when you boot or it will fail to boot. Not the best option for a standard switch. A momentary switch would work.
The main reason for not using Rx & Tx is that if you kill these pins you have no way of serial flashing (which may be required if OTA is not working). But other than that there is no reason why you cant use the Rx (GPIO3) pin. The get pulled high momentarily at boot but that’s not an issue for a switch.
How are you connecting to this pin?
Kilometres of wire or short wires directly to a switch?
I have the same issue. Switched over to ESPHome on a Sonoff RF R2 V1.0 (basic) that had the wire instead of the thick trace and no GPIO14.
Really frustrating that I can’t get it to read a signal on the RX pin (GPIO3). I may try just making it work with GPIO0 or GPIO2, though both may mess up the boot.
Did you figure this out, ever, @gbpucci1?