Sonoff Basic MOD to set it ON by default

Hi all

My application with the sonoffs needs a device to be ON most of the time, and turned OFF a few times per day. So I’m afraid with the current Sonoff design (OFF by detault until turned ON) that the relay coil or something over heats and burns the whole house down.

I was wondering if any one physically modded a sonoff basic to set it ON by defaut (let the 110/220v pass to the output by side default) until turned OFF

Thanks for your help.

I’m afraid with the current Sonoff design (OFF by detault until turned ON) that the relay coil or something over heats and burns the whole house down.

This is an unfounded fear.

Are you sure about that? My sonoffs using tasmota are ON by default. This can be changed on tasmota using a parameter called PowerOnState. Since I use some of then to control lights which still have a wall switch, if someone turn the switch off and then on, the light will behave like a “dumb” light and will turn on.

p.s. ah… now I think I got what you mean. You modded it to work as a dry conntact and you want it ON if not powered?

Yeah basically what I want do is when I power on the sonoff, the outpout should pass power without the relay clicking. And then when I enable the relay, the outpout should cut power.

The device is designed to be on continuously without overheating. What gave you the idea it wasn’t?

Well it does warm up just a little bit, maybe not because of the relay itself but because of the power supply components. I was just wondering, to stay on the safe side of things.

How much current does the load that you connected draw? the Sonoffs are only rated for 10 amps.