I’ve tried everything in the last couple of hours but my Sonoff Basic is always in the state “Not Available” inside Home Assistant. I tried both Mosquito and the embedded MQTT Broker.
Console on the Sonoff looks fine. It also connect correctly to the broker: 22:49:18 MQT: tele/badspiegel/STATE = {"Time":"2018-11-10T22:49:18","Uptime":"0T00:00:15","Vcc":3.149,"POWER":"OFF","Wifi": {"AP":1,"SSId":"mySSID","RSSI":62,"APMac":"XYZ"}}
There was a recent problem with a hassio addon, but I don’t think that has affected the embedded broker.
I think you need to connect another client to the broker to display the messages being sent by your sonoff to check they match your HA configuration. mosquitto_sub or MQTT.FX should do the job
I checked that and his config is identical to mine, except I am using QoS 1 and I don’t use “homeassistant” as my mqtt username. I have the capital ‘O’ working but with tasmota 6.2. The guide uses capitals too.
Every guide I read said the o is uppercase. Maybe remember if you update your tasmota you may need to change it back.
If you mean the click sound of the relay then I don’t think it is easy to change this unless you mod them to use quieter or solid state relays if this is even possible.
You can only configure HA from what the tasmota is actually sending. I don’t have a tasmota, so there may be some configuration that has been set up to send all lower case for the LWT message, but it seems easier to change HA.