Sonoff Basic R2 ESP firmware and temperature sensor

Hi, is it possible to read data from SHT3X temperature and humidity sensor connected to Sonoff Basic R2 (PCB v1.0) GPIO14 with ESP firmware?

No, SHT3X uses the i2c bus and therefor will not work with only one GPIO :bulb:

Oh yes, it has 4 wires. Is there any other sensor (temperature is enough for me) that will work on three wires on Sonoff basic and is compatible with ESP firmware?

But you should know what you are doing as often the low voltage side of things in enclosed devices is not proper isolated from the mains voltage :exclamation: :warning: :zap: :skull_and_crossbones:

Thanks. The 4k7-10k resistor is required between data and VCC ?

I have a good mileage without any resistor when using only one DS18b20

OK, thank you :slight_smile:

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