I’m using two SONOFF Dongle-E_R programmed with router firmware as routers to cover my house. They have been working well and I don’t have any operation issues other than warnings logged during Home Assistant startup. My HA server is a Nabu Casa Yellow/CM4 using ZHA.
Router firmware: Z3RouterUSBDonlge_EZNet6.10.3_V1.0.0
Is there a way to fix this and get rid of the warning?
Logger: zha.zigbee.cluster_handlers
Source: components/zha/__init__.py:151
First occurred: 9:33:42 AM (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:33:42 AM
[0xF9C9:2:0x0300]: [Min mireds is 0, setting to 153] Please open an issue on the quirks repo to have this device corrected
[0x57D6:2:0x0300]: [Min mireds is 0, setting to 153] Please open an issue on the quirks repo to have this device corrected