Sonoff Door sensor with Sonoff RF Bridge

I am trying to find out the open/close status of the door using the door sensor. I can able to find the status of the door when it opened, but I can’t find it whether it is closed or not. Any way we can find it?

Show what you have done.

The RF Bridge is flashed with Tasmota firmware.
I have added the below binary sensor in HA.

  • platform: mqtt
    state_topic: “tele/sonoff_bridge/RESULT”
    name: “Rear Door”
    value_template: “{{ value_json.RfReceived.Data }}”
    payload_on: “FB1B91”
    payload_off: “FB1B91off”
    device_class: door

The result in Sonoff RF bridge when the door opens is

13:52:09 MQT: tele/sonoff_bridge/RESULT = {“RfReceived”:{“Sync”:13770,“Low”:480,“High”:1370,“Data”:“FB1B91”,“RfKey”:“None”}}

The status of the Door is open when the door is open, but not closed with the door is closed. The sensor is not sending any data to the bridge if closed.

I bought a new door sensor which can post both open and close status. Now the problem solved.

Hi - what sensor did you buy?

It is here.


The SmartYIBA sensor it’s worked with Sonoff RF Bridge?

Yes, worked perfectly

Hallo @vaidyasr I have the same door sensor with tasmota and my binary_sensor does not work Can you maybe post here how you got it configuration? Thank you in advance


here read this

should point you down the right path