Hello all !
I’m pretty new in Home-Assistant and electronics in genereal so my question will probably dumb :s
So i’m working with a Sonoff dual (flashed with Tasmota firmware) and i want to control my old rolling shutter. Wiring it is pretty straight forward, i’ve got one wire for going up and one for going down (plus earth and neutral ofc).
When I use the web interface on the sonoff i’ve got 2 buttons to toggle the relay and control my shutter.
Problem is when i use the component mqtt cover it’s not working. I know the issue here, when is search for the same configuration people ofen use a “shutter” option in the firmware wich is not here anymore. Now the only way to control the sonoff via mqtt is by sending the command on 2 different topics (ie - cmnd/sonoff/power1 and cmnd/sonoff/power2) for the 2 relays.
My question is, is it possible to have 2 differents topics on the payload option (like payload-open : cmnd/sonoff/power1 and payload_close cmnd/sonoff/power2)? Or is it a way around it?
Thanks a lot !
(Forget my grammar mistakes, english is not my native language )