Sonoff Dual Window Cover with set position


Some progress here, problem was PIBCAK. Resolved. ( had an incorrect name for one of my time counters).

However, now I have a different problem, that I don’t fully understand.
None of my sliders work as expected, and one seems to be the reverse of all of the others.

I also find that composing questions to post here is the best way to troubleshoot. While explaining the problem in words, it really helps to go back and check the config… Like you PierreScerri - my POWER1 is up/close and my POWER2 is down/open.

I modified my covers.yaml to reflect the up / down timer for POWER 1 and POWER 2 respectively. It seems to be working better now.

However, the Office Shutter position never gets set… it always stays at 100%. when I use the buttons to control that shutter. If I use the slider, the shutter moves accordingly, and the position is set correctly when it stops moving… unless I set the position with the slider to 0% - then it stays at 100%. Everything is set up the same as the other shutters, so this is a mystery to me.

NONE of the other shutters sliders work to set the position. I try to set the position to say 50% from 100% - and it stops at 97%? However, their position is correctly reported as closed or 100% when fully opened or closed.

So frustrating when the setup is identical (probably isn’t but I cannot see…

One other thing… there’s always one thing isn’t there… When I use a script to invoke the closure of all shutters, once closed, all positions update, apart from my office shutter, which remains at 100% (open). That’s also another small issue… when closed (0%) the slider shows closed. When open (100%) the slider shows 100% (and not open). Can we not have a consistent display and show open for 100%, closed for 0% and the %age for anything in between?


The inverted shutter has to be a typo.

Re 100% vs open, perhaps that’s why the iPhone Home app says “Opening” when the shutter is at 100%

Still getting a lot of this:

Unable to remove unknown listener <function async_track_point_in_utc_time..point_in_time_listener at 0x6f193108>

A few of them at a time every 30-45 minutes.

Any idea what this could be?

Hey, good to see that someone made a use of this component. :slight_smile:

I updated the under:

It solves Unable to remove unknown listener warnings.
FYI @PierreScerri

@Neale_Dowling I’ll take a look at your scenario when I find some time!

@Seweryn_Zeman THanks for your work here… using it and its working well.

I found my problem after leaving things alone for some time… (A break, and coming back with fresh eyes is often the solution!!! My problem was my MQTT topic. I organise my topics under “upstairs” and “downstairs”. My office is downstairs, and in the automation, a copy paste error meant I had upstairs in the mqtt topic, not downstairs… @PierreScerri - of course, you were right, it was a typo!!! hence the problem. All working well now. Will try the new code to see if the Unable to remove unknown listener warnings go away.

Thanks again…

Hi, I have just configured everything with time_counter but despite having put 20 seconds of time the relay always stops at 10 seconds.
It also doesn’t fit the position and I don’t know how to calibrate.
here is my configuration.
can you help me?

name: Saracinesca Garage
duration: 20
initial: 0
min: 0
max: 100
debounce: 1000

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: “Saracinesca Garage”
    position_template: “{{ (states.time_counter.saracinesca_garage.state | int) }}”
    - service: mqtt.publish
    topic: ‘cmnd/saracinesche_garage/power2’
    payload: ‘ON’
    - service: mqtt.publish
    topic: ‘cmnd/saracinesche_garage/power1’
    payload: ‘ON’
    - service: mqtt.publish
    topic: ‘cmnd/saracinesche_garage/power1’
    payload: ‘OFF’
    - service: mqtt.publish
    topic: ‘cmnd/saracinesche_garage/power2’
    payload: ‘OFF’
    - service: time_counter.set
    entity_id: time_counter.saracinesca_garage
    state: ‘{{ position }}’
    - service_template: >
    {% if position > states.cover.saracinesca_garage.attributes.current_position | int %}
    {% elif position < states.cover.saracinesca_garage.attributes.current_position | int %}
    {% endif %}
    entity_id: cover.saracinesca_garage

  • alias: Saracinesca Garage - started

    • platform: mqtt
      topic: ‘stat/saracinesche_garage/+’
      payload: ‘ON’
    • service_template: >
      {% if trigger.topic.split(’/’)[-1] == ‘POWER2’ %}
      {% elif trigger.topic.split(’/’)[-1] == ‘POWER1’ %}
      {% endif %}
      entity_id: time_counter.saracinesca_garage
  • alias: Saracinesca Garage - stopped

    • platform: mqtt
      topic: ‘stat/saracinesche_garage/+’
      payload: ‘OFF’
    • service: time_counter.stop
      entity_id: time_counter.saracinesca_garage
  • alias: Porta Cucina - time counter stopped
    platform: event
    event_type: time_counter.stopped
    entity_id: time_counter.saracinesca_garage

    • service: cover.stop_cover
      entity_id: cover.saracinesca_garage

I had forgotten the pulsetime command active on the sonoff, now the time is respected. But the problem remains that the slide does not match.
For example if I put the cursor on 25% he moves up to 36% or 38% etc.
How can I solve this problem?

Is it possible to set the cover position with alexa? So when I say “alexa, set roller to 38 %”, ha set the roller to that percentage.

hi sorry to bump this, but since I also suffer a lot of the unknown listeners errors: do you know what causes these warnings?

This error shows up when you create a new timer and what is returned is a listener on which you can call .cancel(). If timer ended successfully this listener is wiped out so you cannot call .cancel() on it anymore. If you try – you get this one.

I had mine Unable to remove unknown listener because of async executions which didn’t lined up.

thanks! you’re the first to give me a lead where to look…

thing is, the log is flooded with these… and I don’t have a lot of timers, which aren’t active when this happens:

could this also be caused by sensors, checking for time differences like

      - condition: template
        value_template: >
          {{ (now() - trigger.from_state.last_changed | default(0) ).total_seconds() > 120 }}

Hi to everybody, anyone have some idea how to implement the duration of timers in Node_red? Call service tab on node_red don’t accept data_template but only data

Hi, were you able to solve your problem? I used your automation as the basis for mine but it reports an error in the position part. Could you help me? good day

HI Asino, I suggest you to direct use the custom_component Timedcover, this platform can make what they need without any additional set.

Hi and thanks for the advice, I implemented the component. I just have a question to you does set_position work? good evening

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Yes Asino,off course work, this platform work like a timer, you need to set the time need for full open and for full close the cover, than when you for example set position to 20% your cover will be in open function for 20% time of your full open time (eg. full open time 30s - set 20% position: 30/100*20= 6s in open function).
Let me know if you need some help for properly set this platform, just for your info, the tilt position work only for suncover with motorized tilt function.

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Thank you for your support, you are right after several attempts the component works on the gray scale. All that remains is a problem not related to the component. I control the device through a double relay of the quino that I also control with two physical buttons. It happens that if I control the blinds with the physical buttons the component does not detect the displacement. Now I’m trying to create the automations associated with the relays closing but for now without success. good day.

HI Asino123, one solution for your issue is using a timer that’s both activated by your switch and the Home Assistant (set position or switch). I’ve used the solution provided below along with timedcover:

Nice work thx for sharing

Could you please post one of automatization scripts?
Not sure what you meant, but also have a problem when i operate physical buttons it doesnt update position.

Also, have you found a way to disable tilt position slider ? I guess most of us dont need tilt…
