Sonoff DW2 Door/Window Sensor Slow

Hi everyone,

Relative noob to HA, and home automation in general.

Got a Sonoff DW2 as mentioned above. It is a Wifi door sensor. Set it up to turn on a wifi light-switch when I open my cupboard door. When I open the door, it usually takes at least 1 second, sometimes as much as 3 seconds before the light goes on. In most cases, I have already taken ahold of whatever I needed, and started closing the door, by the time the light comes on.

Should I be managing expectations, or is there a pathway to more instant reaction.

Obviously I realize that I could just use the old wired door sensors directly cabled into the switch, BUT, 2 things:

  1. That always looks bad with cables “trying” to be hidden
  2. I do sometimes use the actual light switch to turn on the cupboard light - with a wired switch, that option is lost

This is why I am now trying this switch. So - any solutions that do NOT revert back to 1960’s tech? :slight_smile:

I am not even running it through HA yet. This is why I ask here now - before buying more of them.
At present, it is simply a straight-up scene in ewelink - sensor open - turn on light. As I get more sensors, I will obviously want to use it via HA, and add more intelligence to them. But first…are my expectations too high?

I have also seen other posts about the sensor not working in HA, but mine does show up and activates in HA. At present HA is simply not doing anything with it…it is just running on ewelink with this level of delay.

Well … you are currently relying on a cloud somewhere (likely China) so there will be a delay. That’s why I use Zigbee (100% local control). If I am not mistaken the EWELINK (Sonoff) can be controlled locally from HA using the integration so you may gain some seconds by skipping the cloud.

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Thanks Neil,

So, basically: lower your expectations :slight_smile:

I checked, and most of my sonoff or other ewelink-compatible devices can be locally controlled, yes - EXCEPT, of course, as one would imagine - this sensor! It is cloud only. %^&&)(##

And another interesting tidbit: One of the two shows up in HA (ewelionk integration webui), and the other one says “not supported”. Two identical devices - both working in ewelink app, but in HA webui ewelink intgration - one of the two says not supported - sheez!!

Any thoughts anyone?