Hello everyone!
This is my first post here and I’m quite new in HA as well.
I’m trying to set up simple automation.
- when DW2 sensor changes from “close” to “open”, switch on light.
- when DW2 changes from “open” to “close” delay 2 minutes and switch off light.
I have set up eWeLink, I can see binary sensor binary_sensor.100103b1a6_lock
with state “off” and changing to “on” when doors is open.
Under states I can see:
restored: false
friendly_name: Ardurvis-Lock
device_class: lock
state: 'off'
And the state is changing correctly.
What would be the correct way to add it in automation?
I have added as a trigger - entity binary_sensor.100103b1a6_lock, State from off to on, then activate scene “light on”
The last part is working correctly as if I run manually this automation light switches on, but it doesn’t start automatically on the door opening event.
I’m sure I’m doing something wrong would be happy about suggestions