I setup garage opener with sonoff sv with DrZzs tutorial and works great.
But I want some customization but I new in home assistant and programming.
So what I need is:
I want to set the changeable icon for my gate door. material icon doesn’t have an icon for the open gate only gate. so I wont to set when the gate is open to show my costume icon.
I try with cover template but not know how.
if possible to change command arrow for open and close to change position left to right instead up and down.
if possible to set the status of the door like the second row of the picture (this is picture form OpenGarage)
I have one more question about html5 notify…
I set automation for notifying me if garage door open in specific time and close the garage door if the state is open and works great, but I wont to close manually garage if is open not HA do it automatically but not know how.
this is my code:
- id:
alias: LG G5
- at: '22:30:00'
platform: time
- condition: state
entity_id: cover.garage
state: open
- data:
message: Garage door is open!!!
title: Garage door - INFO
service: notify.html_notify_lg_g5
- condition: state
entity_id: cover.garage
state: open
- data:
payload: 'ON'
topic: cmnd/sonoffgar/POWER
service: mqtt.publish