That’s not a case for me. I have this issue on two cameras and I experienced it even when I was on holidays (naturally all computers were off and I accessed UI only via one mobile device).
I ended up attaching cameras to relays and resetting them the hard way every 6 hours.
I have the same problem, I think this is overheating. After installing the radiator on the chip, the camera works stably.
Thats a great info! Do you have any pictures of the chip with radiator? I’m not sure which chip could be overheating and what size of radiator would fit in there.
If you don’t have a picture, maybe you could use this video to mark this nasty chip:
Thank you in advance!
I tested another rtsp client and it shows video. Tried to replace the card configuration from picture-glance to picture-entity and it seems more reliable.
For me the issue occurs every 5-6 hours. Only after this time it breaks. And it stays broken until I restart the camera.
I don’t even use live preview anywhere. Just image processing with interval of 5 seconds. So I don’t think that the preview or card used would be the problem. Not in my case, that’s for sure.
Thank you so much! I will try that as soon as my orders with radiators will arrive
Just out of curiosity. Why did you punch such a big hole in cameras case? Did you do that to improve the air flow? Wasn’t radiator sufficient?
PS Did you remove the electromagnetic shielding from the top of the board as well?
at first I made a hole because there was no radiator (didn’t help). only then I bought a radiator. yes, i remove electromagnetic shielding because it was very hot.
Thanks for explaining. Actually making a hole like that is quite a good idea. I’ll probably do that with mine as well. I have it screwed to the ceiling so the hole won’t be visible
Did you notice any side effects of removing that shielding?
No, the camera works stably.
I’ve just tried your solution on one of my cameras but it does not seem to help. I did remove the shielding and sticked two radiators like you did. The difference is that they are the same size (so I used bigger one for SD as well). Maybe punching a hole in the body will help, dunno…
How is your camera mounted? Upside down?
Check out this hack:
Thank you @barrymossel
Unfortunately, I do not have an SD card small enough (<16GB), so I’ll have to wait a couple of days. Have you tried this, and, if so, can you confirm whether I will be able to actually configure the wifi through ssh here?
Hi Alex, thanks to your work I got the sonoff stuff going but I am probably most impressed by the cameras and the controls. They work nicely with one downside . It’s very slow in response both on the controls and one the streaming. With the Ewelink it goes quite smoothly which means it could be faster in HA as well. Any thoughts on that?
Tried it, but it had a bug which made it unuseable for me atm. So don’t know…
hey @Eeeeeediot, nice looking card with the PTZ controls.
I have two problems
1/ how (like @philsson mentioned) to link a script to a Lovelace card)… this should be easy fixed by @Eeeeeediot sharing an example…hopefully!
2/ but most importantly, for the PTZ script itself, not sure how to get my 6-digit camera device-ID (that the docs link speaks of) … @AlexxIT can I trouble you to elaborate on your documentation a little? checked in the eWeLink app, and even sticker underneath! Nothing obvious
any help, from any of you three, greatly appreciated!
Here you go.
- aspect_ratio: 0%
camera_image: camera.nero_sonoff
camera_view: live
entities: []
title: Nero
type: picture-glance
- cards:
- entity: script.sonoffptz_left
action: more-info
icon: 'mdi:arrow-left-bold'
icon_height: 25px
show_icon: true
show_name: false
action: call-service
service: script.sonoffptz_left
type: button
- entity: script.sonoffptz_up
action: more-info
icon: 'mdi:arrow-up-bold'
icon_height: 25px
show_icon: true
show_name: false
action: call-service
service: script.sonoffptz_up
type: button
- entity: script.sonoffptz_down
action: more-info
icon: 'mdi:arrow-down-bold'
icon_height: 25px
show_icon: true
show_name: false
action: call-service
service: script.sonoffptz_down
type: button
- entity: script.sonoffptz_right
action: more-info
icon: 'mdi:arrow-right-bold'
icon_height: 25px
show_icon: true
show_name: false
action: call-service
service: script.sonoffptz_right
type: button
type: horizontal-stack
type: vertical-stack
awesome! thank you @Eeeeeediot. Any tips on getting that 6-digit code from the camera? I must be having a thick day.
I think it’s part of the serial code on the bottom of the camera