"Sonoff iHost" (smart home hub/computer) from ITead - Can it be hacked to run Home Assistant OS with Bluetooth, Thread/Matter, and ZHA integrations?

I have problem to start Z2M. What is the port of onboard zigbee radio? I have tried ttyS1 to S5 and addon doesnt’t start. Any ideas?

two cables with switches soldered on the two contact points that I brought to the outside of the case, to be able to switch from one system to another without having to open and close, at least until I have migrated from rasperry to ihost.

To make it easier for you to solder, if you are not familiar you must keep in mind
pond rocks pond, and the solder paste attracts and holds the pond…

step by step
1 grain of paste seals at the point of the plate
1-2 cm of 0.7mm solder melted on the tip of the soldering iron (I should see a drop)
soldering iron on the point to be soldered, the paste melts and attracts the solder (I remove the soldering iron as soon as the solder moves from the soldering iron to the plate)

I take the already tinned wire, place it on the pins and place the soldering iron, just until the tin melts,

Can someone tell me what the drivers are for serial reading in Windows environments

Zigbee is on /dev/ttyS4. I would recommend updating the firmware to atleast 6.10.7 see wiki for more details.

Thanks guys. It works like a charm except Z2M. In addon logs I see something like “socat not enabled”. I didn’t chage anything in config so what should I do to start properly zigbee2mqtt addon and use onboard zigbee radio in HAOS?

They should be loaded automatically on Windows 10 and later

Is it necessary for ZHA only or for ZHA and Z2M. To be honest I can’t run any of them.

Its definitely required for ZHA, I’ve had reports Z2M should work with stock firmware, but I still recommend to upgrade. 6.7.x that ships on it is a couple of years old at this point.

Could someone help me to run Z2M on ihost? I have updated firmware and ZHA works OK but I just can’t run Z2M (I know ZHA must be uninstalled). I see in logs “Error while starting zigbee-herdsman” and other infos that can’t find device. Please tell me what I’m doing wrong, we all have the same device so it should work or you are using some special config for Z2M??? Maybe someone with working z2m cold show the sreen of the config card in zigbee2mqtt.

These are the only settings you need for Z2M

Thanks, I forgot about adapter: ezsp. It works great now.
I have another question, I have some problems with bluetooth integration. Do you have problems as well?

Hey there. I’m really interested into testing this. Do you have any tips on how to open the case without damaging it? I don’t see any apparent screws, so I guess you have to force open it?

Use plastic tool like this one to open mobile phone. Then you can open right side (looking from the front). You’ll find on YT how to do that.

“balenaEtcher” didn’t close the job I solved it using “Rufus”

After HA 2023.12.0 update the “sonoff firmware” was deleted

Next release will include a possible fix for some issues with wifi/BT some people are seeing.

What do you mean? core updates have no affect on HAOS image, which currently can only be upgrade manually using USB drive.

I’ve noticed “Home Assitatn Core Update” appeared in settings. As I understood from your previous post we shouldn’t do anything with that and wait for USB update, isn’t it?

It is perfectly ok to install the core and supervisor updates that appear in the UI. It is only the HAOS updates that need to be installed manually via USB.

Interesting… after updating Core to 2023.12.0, ZHA stopped working. I had to configure it again, in the step that asks about flow control (which you usually should select software) it was showing a third radio button with empty label. Only after selecting that “empty” option, ZHA finally worked again.

Hey thanks for the tip by the way. After using a guitar pick and a lot of patience, I was able to pop open it without breaking any clips.

And since I don’t have a soldering station (and have zero experience in doing such intervention) I ended up taping a tinny copper wire over the contacts. For now it works :sweat_smile:

For reference here is the video that helped me to open the thing:

If you dont mind loosing the stock OS, you can wipe the internal eMMC and then this shorted maskrom is no longer required!