I would like to use the SONOFF ZBMINI to steer my heaters. This works pretty good. But it shows up as light.heizung_eingang_og instead of switch. This leads to a problem, i can’t make a Group with a switch and a light.
The ID looks like a MAC address but is actually IEEE ID and can be found from the device in settings under Zigbee info. Note you need to add a -1 at the end like above, the -2 is if your device has two channels. You may need to delete and re add the device after adding the config and rebooting HA.
I haven’t tried using SONOFF for heating, but you should consider digging into configuration settings to tweak the device type, as Ebme2 suggested manually. Modifying the configuration.yaml is key if using ZHA. A bit of trial and error with deleting and re-adding the device helps sync it correctly, though it can be a bit of a process if you’re unfamiliar with the HA setup.
Suppose your heater setup goes beyond tweaking smart switches, and you’re dealing with airflow or heating issues. In that case, looking into a professional air conditioning service for a more efficient fix tailored to your home setup is worth it.