As the title states, I purchased 2x Sonoff SNZB-03 motion sensors (I’ve only opened one at this time). I couldn’t get it to pair with my phone nor my tablet, so just moved straight to my Home Assistant (running as a VM on a Synology 920+ with DSM 7x) via the Sonoff USB Dongle+ which picked it up instantly and plopped it straight in to the Z2M add-on.
So far…
I wrote a small automation (OK, well, I used the GUI to make it but you get my point)…
Everything seems to work fine - and running the “Run Actions” button the Automations screen for it seems to make everything run fine…
But it seems, no matter how much I throw it around, how much I wave & flap my arms around it, near or far, I’ve tried telekinesis just in case - but nothing - absolutely nothing gets it to perform the automation, with the single exception to manually clicking “Run Actions”… which, definitely defeats the purpose of home automation.
So… Any ideas?
> alias: sonoff-ms-test
> description: ''
> trigger:
> - type: motion
> platform: device
> device_id: 7b3ab609f9e869d1070d0fb20c66c35f
> entity_id: binary_sensor.0x00124b0022d0dc5d_occupancy
> domain: binary_sensor
> condition: []
> action:
> - service: light.turn_on
> data:
> color_name: blue
> target:
> entity_id: light.kitchen_light_3
> - delay:
> hours: 0
> minutes: 0
> seconds: 5
> milliseconds: 0
> - service: light.turn_off
> data:
> transition: 6
> target:
> entity_id: light.kitchen_light_3
> mode: single
The device is definitely recognised by HA within the automations page, at least…
… as well as being recognised within Z2M.
I’ve noticed within the automation it seems to identify two separate device_ids… One ending c35f and the other ending dc5d. According to the Z2M screencap, shouldn’t they both end in dc5d?