Sonoff not reporting state correctly

hey guys

for some reason, one of my ‘Sonoff POW 2’ has started acting out as to reporting its “no\off” state.

An automation is trigging it ‘on’ at 1400, and then back ‘off’ at 1430. for some strange reason the automation works (as i can confirm the switch is “on”, power consumption in HA also shows it draws power within this timeframe), but the “state” of the switch in lovelace\log stays “off”.

not sure when it started doing so, and not sure if its a faulty module, configuration, or something else.
it works fine if i toggle it myself, and in any other way (from the sonoff app, or by hand, or from HA).
it is the only switch that acts this way (as far as i noticed).

here is my YAML config for sonoff. the interegation work on “could and lan”, as my installation is on a server as a VM, and ‘local control only’ does not work properly for me.

  username: !secret sonoff_usr
  password: !secret sonoff_pwd
  force_update: [temperature, power]
  scan_interval: 60 #'00:05:00'  # (optional) default 5 minutes
  sensors: [temperature, humidity, power, current, voltage]
  reload: always  # update device list every time HA starts

any ideas or pointers will be great.