Sonoff NSPanel by ITead - Smart Scene Wall Switch based on ESP32 and custom Nextion Touch Screen Panel Display (non-Pro variant)

is it possible to have a dummy entity in the cardGrid so that I can leave empty spaces in the grid ?

yes you can use entity: delete, apparently this is no longer documented, I should add this back

Is it also possible for the statusIcon1 & statusIcon2 to display different icon / colour depending on the state. I did not see any mention of this in the docs ?

yes, this works like with any other entities

well it always depends on the features of the climate entity

I guess it wouldnā€™t be a big issue to increase the size of the buttons for climate entites with one temperature, but there might be not a bigger icon for the button.

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okay thanks, gives a list with the planned features for the next version?

see the milestones on github

thank you,

i see its possible to change the background color of the screensaver, is this possible with the background of the menus or sides?

        background:       [0, 0, 25]

defaultBackgroundColor True string ha-dark backgroud color of all cards, valid values: black, ha-dark

You can set the background color, black and ha-dark are the only values that are supported, however you can set ist to a custom color ([255,0,0]), but you are going to see why this doesnā€™t work with nextion since of the lacking transparency support.

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@jobraun I am loving your nspanel-lovelace-ui
compared to your example configuration which appears to show 6 entities supported on the cardEntities card, I only seem to be getting 5 max. For comparison same entities on my cardGrid does correctly show 6 entities.

I do see the last line of names, but the uploaded images were cropped from my originals.

Also I noticed that my entity names donā€™t seem to allow as many characters as the ones you show in the examples. If I change the above Kitchen to Kitchen Group, the P in group is moved to another line.

Yes, this screenshot is from an older version. It was reduced by the author of the inital PR for the US-P Version.

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Do you happen to know the rationale (does it reduce flash usage, or lead to fewer interface issues for example?)
It seems overly spread-out to me, when compared to the 6 entity older version.

I think it was mainly to allow longer texts for the entities.

Here is another comment about it:
([Feature Request] Own Entity Type for Fan Ā· Issue #325 Ā· joBr99/nspanel-lovelace-ui Ā· GitHub)

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yeah i see, i play a little bit with it last night.

now i understand what you say.

is it possible to allow more than 6 entities in a cardGrid ?
or can i style the cardGrid to get smaller icons that more entties fit on the screen?
or is perhaps a second page possible ?

i must say it again, you make really really a good job

No, but you can have as many card grid as you want just add this card multiple times to the config.

Thanks, but I tried 2 different climates and neither are very pretty.

Sorrie for being so critical, but out of all of the cards, this one really is not great.

I am also designing my UI to be used by airbnb guests, and small icons, small text and any screens that need to be explained cant be used.

Iā€™m not using the climate card, and have tried to construct as much as I can using cardGrid, but thatā€™s a compromise as well.

on the github issues, I have also submitted an enhancement request for pincode access to certain cards, again this is related to airbnb so that guests cannot change certain things :slight_smile:

Is there any curated information on how to work with the Panel flashed with Tasmota? I have everything up and running but having a hard time getting past that hump. Not sure how to modify the widgets/labels, get the tempurature working right, or what the steps are to get this to trigger an action in HA and then subsequently send the state change back to the panel as it looks like itā€™s expecting json maybe? Have some holes to fill in that I canā€™t seem to find answers for.

Well, come up with a suggestion for a better design that works within the limitations of Nextion.


Iā€™m going to increase the size of the icons for the up and down buttons.

Screw the stock firmware on the Nextion Display. And use this one: NsPanel Lovelace UI Docs
You just have to configure the UI in a yaml file, no need to craft and send json around.

If you want back to the stock UI just ask, there is a way.

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Yeah, I knew that there was no nice way of saying that, I have no graphic design skills whatsoever, which is why I love your solution.

I donā€™t have any clever or artistic options to suggest, otherwise I would have done it.

Anyway, please forget my request, I will just play around with grids and try and work something out.

What you have already done is truly excellent, I played with the nextion UI clunky designed a few years ago, I have 1/2 dozen displays in different sizes somewhere in my stock, but found the learning curve way too steep for me.

Apologies if I sounded ungrateful, you dont get paid for what you do and I appreciate that.

Iā€™ve changed the icon size of the temperature up/down buttons and implemented custom spaceing for the action icons so they are a bit more spreaded out in case they are less then 5, but I donā€™t think that there is much more that can be done.

@jobraun - Hereā€™s my suggestions:

  1. Completely remove the text ā€œActionā€ as I think itā€™s obvious what the buttons are for.

  2. ā€œCurrentlyā€ could be changed to ā€œNow.ā€

  3. Create another 2 screens, one with just 1 Temp Dest & Up Down button & 4 actions, and another with 2 Temp Dest & Up ^ Down buttons and 6 actions.

  4. Then you can choose climate1, climate2 or climate3 formats and you would have a lot more room on the screen and can lay things out bigger / better where thereā€™s and reduce the number of controls needed with each screen.

Then you could increase the actions ICON size & spacing

Also, a nice enhancement would be to add a actions list array, so that you could select the order and which entities you want to display, as well as being able to display blanks or spaces. would be nice if you could select any entity, and also the icon name and possibly icons by state similar to other icons.

Sometimes a climate might have lots or just a few actions, and quite often you may not need all of them.

The wiser heating app just uses a Slider to set the Temperature, that might take up less room and also might look better. I know you have a slider in the bolb brightness, but I dont think it is a control that can be used elsewhere.

How about that :slight_smile:

@jobraun - for a Grid Sensor, is it possible to trigger an action or call a service when it is pressed ??

I have a sensor that displays a value, and when I click on it I would like the value to increment / decrement. I dont need help with the increment / decrement part, only with calling a service when a icon is pressed ?