Sonoff NSPanel by ITead - Smart Scene Wall Switch based on ESP32 and custom Nextion Touch Screen Panel Display (non-Pro variant)

  • Completely remove the text “Action” as I think it’s obvious what the buttons are for.

Good Idea, I’ve implemented that, allows to increase the size of the buttons to the normal size.

  • “Currently” could be changed to “Now.”

The translations are auto generated from the HomeAssistant Frontend and I don’t want to do changes on it, also this would only help for one language.

  • Create another 2 screens, one with just 1 Temp Dest & Up Down button & 4 actions, and another with 2 Temp Dest & Up ^ Down buttons and 6 actions.

I can change the positions of the buttons for one temperature, for example down/up on the left/right of the temperature would work.

Current dev version allows to call a service, but there is no way to overwrite the state of it (like you can do on navigate), please add this as a request on github.

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As always thanks for all your efforts. I am having a lot of fun configuring all the options and creating my perfect UI. I created a few top level menus and one called rooms, from here I go down to hidden menu’s.

Currently I am finding if I have lots of items in a room, I have multiple down menus that feel awkward. I was wondering if another horizontal level could be created. Maybe if two cards have the same key in the HiddenCards, they could then act like horizontal cards, were all of the hidden horizontal cards have an up arrow pointing to the same navigation point. I can see that screen real estate could be a challenge so maybe only enable a right arrow that loops around the horizontal cards.

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On a slightly different point, I figure that this should be in your docs. You mentioned how to jump to menu’s back earlier and for me it’s been a bit of a life saver.


There is already a feature reuest for having a second navigation button on subpages, but it’s going to be limited to jump to top level cards. (So I guess it will be an option for each card to configure and allow you to directly jump to a specified top level card.)

Having multiple hoizontal levels would require some sort of binary tree structure for the cards, which is way more complex and I’m not planning to implement this.

For the customrecv, yeah this is the message generated by the panel if you are adding navigate somewhere, I guess I could add it to the physical button page in the docs, it currently only mentions the previous/next buttons.

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Ok. You were 100% right. This is so great! Amazing work. Pizza money incoming.


Hi there,
I have now loaded my NSPanel with Lovelace, it works satisfactorily so far:
MQTT broker is running and connected, relay states are shown in HA.
Only I have on the Screensave exclusively the date and time, no weather data.
Does anyone have an idea?

I found the error!
In the apps.yaml the entity entry with the weather entity was missing.

entity: weather.home_station

thats no error, you must add your weather entity, the apps.yaml is the file you must configure completly to your entities.


here is a little problem with the screensaver, i think the notification was there and then he make a update of the screensaver page, you see the notification is in the background visible:

opened an issue on github for this, will have a look

Are you on the lastest version? messages are already refreshed after a weatherUpdate

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Another observation/question (might not be possible):
When I go to a entity subpage, from either an Entities Card or a Grid Card (eg to dim a light), the mdi icon seems to be default bulb icon.
Question: Is it possible to have the selected mdi icon appear on the subpage instead? Is there a way to make this happen already, and I am just not doing it correctly?

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currently not, I’ve opened a feature request for it


implemented in lastest development version

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In latest firmware that I downloaded a couple of days ago, the grid cards no longer show numbers for sensors but rather show the icon.

For example, instead of visualizing ambient temperature, I now have a thermometer.on the little square box.

Was it changed on purpose?

I tried to open an issue on github but got automatically closed because I did not fill up a TEMPLATE (capital letter), however it is not very clear what this template actually is.

It’s the stuff pre filled in the issue, helps not to not ask the same questions every time again and again. Like providing the config and logs, without it is not possible to reproduce or help. Just read and fill out the template and do not delete it.

yes the latest, and today it happend again, it was so for hours and vor a few minutes it looks normal egain without touching the panel

I have been testing the Notifications on my US-p version and noticed the message & Header are the same font size. Hoping that the Message could be a small font to give more character.

can you disable the theme/color stuff and check if you also have the issue without it?

this is acually a bug and not a feature in the other versions the text has a smaller font, just fixed

run FlashNextion in your tasmota console

Thanks the font update worked like a charm. Though now when it times out the Heading Text remains in the background with my weather icon in the foreground.