Sonoff NSPanel by ITead - Smart Scene Wall Switch based on ESP32 and custom Nextion Touch Screen Panel Display (non-Pro variant)

Yes, remotely change, does not appear to work, have tried many changes to the payload and tried different topic, but nothing appears to work.

Would you be able to test this and confirm that it’s actually working :slight_smile:

It’s not a special command, it is used by the navigate button on the panel, you can configure one and check what the panel sends on pressing the button.

In any case you should see what the navigate button does in the appdaemon log.

But on a second look; Your mqtt topic is wrong. the RESULT one usally starts with tele.

panelRecvTopic: "tele/tasmota_nspkueche/RESULT"

Hello, on translations I see there are preset_mode translations and on but they do not appear on my cardThermo, how can we use presets ?

Thanks, I got it working.

Another question, with the screensaver alert, is it possible to fix the alignment so that it is centered vertical and horizontal below the line, and is it possible to control the colours of the alert ?

And is it possible to add a timeout option for the screensaver alert ?

There is currently no way to change preset_mode or fan_mode from cardThermo.

is it possible to control the colours of the alert ?

Flash latest dev version: FlashNextion

And is it possible to add a timeout option for the screensaver alert ?

There is indeed no timeout, the message will be shown until acknowledged on the panel, however you can easily remove the message by sending notify~~ if the message is no longer valid.

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Thanks very much, looks good now :slight_smile:

Does anybody have the original stock .tft file that they would not mind sharing with me, EU version.

I think the latest was 1.21 but any version would be appreciated


@jobraun , My date always drops a day behind, and does not update at midnight till the following midnight. If I restart AppDaemon it correctly displays the date, but then does not update for another 48 hours? Any pointers to correct this, as It is perfect for me in every other way. Thanks

Hi - I have notice Ver 3.5 has been completed, curious me wonders when you plan to release the update.

Smiles - Claire

Hey there,

@jobraun, thank you for porting this UI to the panel!

I connected the NSPanel via esphome to HomeAssistant and so far, it´s working very well. The phys.buttons are working as well as designed with the switches, but the UI switches to a simple page, every time the swicht turns on and going back to screensaver at the off status. Is this correct? Additionally, I don´t have statusicons, shown in the screensaver.

Does anybody has an idea where I´d done a mistake?

      entity: weather.ecklst
#      alternativeLayout: sensor.terasse_thermohygro_humidity
        entity: switch.nspanel_bauwagen_relay_1_2
        icon: mdi:fan
#      statusIcon2: switch.bauwg_hzg_shelly
      defaultCard: navigate.cardGrid_page_default

snippet fromapps.yaml

  # Physical relay 1
  - platform: gpio
    name: $friendly_devicename Relay 1
    id: relay_1
      number: 22
      # show a light on the panel when we swich on the light
      # - lambda: 'id(nspanel).send_custom_command("pageType~popupLight~[TITLE TO SHOW ON SCREEN]~[ENTITY NAME]");'
      - lambda: 'id(nspanel).send_custom_command("pageType~popupLight~Ventilator~switch.nspanel_bauwagen_relay_1_2");'
      # send to screensaver when switch off the light
      - mqtt.publish:
          topic: $panel_recv_topic
          payload: '{"CustomRecv":"event,sleepReached,cardGrid"}'

snippet from esphome

thanks in advance

What are you trying to do?

Your esphome config is telling you to send the panel to that popupLight Page, if you don’t want this, remove it from your config.

I want to show the small line above each button, when the entity is turned on. Also I want to show the statusicons 1&2.

is it possible to go to the stock fw of the panel?

There is no line above the buttons, you can use the status icons for that.

You need to put the stock on a http server and then you can flash it.

Ah, thank you. But the icons are not shown, only a subpage.

Hi, i dont have nspanel-livingroom Nextion inited" enabled in HA . In the logs i get NSPanel Buero Nextion inited’: Sending state ON. how can i enabled it?

Cannot tell you anything about the icons not being displayed without the appdaemon log.