Sonoff NSPanel by ITead - Smart Scene Wall Switch based on ESP32 and custom Nextion Touch Screen Panel Display (non-Pro variant)

Are you using any colors/themes on screensaver? Can you test if this also occures without them?

@ClaireRovic @htpc2308

Added a refresh of the notification after the color update, update to the lastest firmware and check if you still have this issue.

Hi - Just leaving on a four week holiday. So a bit rushed.
Reloaded the display firmware and restarted HA and found no issues at all on the NSPanel. In fact had a bit to much fun with the Tasmota Buzzer.

  • service: mqtt.publish
    topic: cmnd/master_nsp/Backlog
    payload: CustomSend notify~MyHeading~MyMessage; Buzzer 1,4,4,0xAAAAAF54

Could you also share the code to implement the thermostat in Hass?

Any Idea why my date is 1 day behind? It does correct itself if I restart H.A.

Glad you got yours working and it was simple but just a heads up I have the same issue. When checking I noticed the Displays labels are different the left one is the problem child and the right one is normal no issues. I swapped the main board with the displays and low and behold still issues with the left one. so just a heads-up to everyone check the labels on them to ensure they are marked US or EU and you can see this one seems to be marked 1K or 1A not sure cat see that last letter very well.

NSPanel with Blueprint

Hello @ all.

I have been working on my own NSPanel version for the last weeks and months with the possibility to do configuration via blueprint.

Maybe someone is interested :wink:
light ColorPage
Setting Page

Button Page
Home Page
Thermostat Page
Wetter Forcaste Page


This looks classy, will look forward to trying when back from holidays.

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Iā€™m a big fan of @jobraunā€™s solution but this looks classy too!

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yes I know the NSpanel from @jobraun.
Is a super cool solution - but I did not like it so well visually :). I also wanted to make it simple via Blueprint.

Yes, so agreed. Wonderful :relaxed:

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It looks pretty nice :slight_smile:

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Looks really good!

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Hi is anyone willing to share a copy of the stock firmware with me please? I flashed mine with Tasmota and my stock firmware backup was lost when my laptop kicked the proverbial bucket. I have the US version of the NS Panel.

I would really appreciate it.

I am currently on holiday, have two new panels US at home. Ask again if unlucky 21th October

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I have the stock firmware, Iā€™ll PM you

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On latest Beta, buttons donā€™t works, i think problem with Blueprint.

@jobraun - I dont seem to be able to get the navigate commnd working, can you confirm that my syntax is correct:

  alias: Navigate
  mode: single  
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: "cmnd/nspanel-4c18/RESULT"
        payload: '{"CustomRecv":"event,buttonPress2,navigate.cardGrid_heatwater,button"}'

- type: cardGrid
  title: Heat & Water
  key: heatwater
    ..... etc etc


Thanks so much Tim, Iā€™ve tried flashing it but seems like Iā€™m having an issue with access permissions. I might be missing drivers or something. My old laptop broke that I used to flash my NSPanel originally and now with esp flasher it wonā€™t connect to the COM port when trying to flash. Iā€™m working this weekend but I will try to figure it out. If not, I know Iā€™ve had this issue before and it was the usb cable I was using for my esp flashing module. Iā€™ll pick up a new flashing tool on Monday and let you guys know if Iā€™ve come right.

I tried flashing using Tasmota itself but when I upload the NSPanel.bin file it says invalid signature. So will have to flash directly by the looks of it.

Hi Claire, could you send me a copy of your stock firmware backup when you get home please, the one Tim gave me unfortunately does not work.

This is what I received when trying to flash Timā€™s firmware:

Using ā€˜/dev/cu.usbserial-A50285BIā€™ as serial port.


Detecting chip typeā€¦ Unsupported detection protocol, switching and trying againā€¦


Detecting chip typeā€¦ ESP32


Chip Info:

  • Chip Family: ESP32

  • Chip Model: ESP32-D0WD-V3 (revision 3)

  • Number of Cores: 2

  • Max CPU Frequency: 240MHz

  • Has Bluetooth: YES

  • Has Embedded Flash: NO

  • Has Factory-Calibrated ADC: YES

  • MAC Address: *****************

Uploading stubā€¦

Running stubā€¦

Stub runningā€¦

Changing baud rate to 460800


  • Flash Size: 4MB

Unexpected error: The firmware binary is invalid (magic byte=FF, should be E9)

What are you trying to do?, remote control the panel? If this is the case it looks correct, cannot tell you more without the log from appdaemon.

If you want to have the navigate as button on the panel itself, just use navigate.cardGrid_heatwater as an entity.