Sonoff NSPanel by ITead - Smart Scene Wall Switch based on ESP32 and custom Nextion Touch Screen Panel Display (non-Pro variant)

No, you can talk to the nextion display in the standard instruction set and do this, but it will break the normal communication, furthermore this would be way to slow and way to complex to handle on the backend side.

The lovelace project is using ~ seperated serial commands defined in tmSerial in the HMI Project with all required information to build a page.

Did you change the line in and include your cardGrid2 to the array and restart AppDaemon afterwards? Without seeing your code I cannot tell you what’s missing. Maybe fork the project on github and push your changes, so I can see them.

The template is the stuff pre-filled in the issue while creating it, just don’t delete it and fill your stuff into the template.

Thanks a lot.

Stupid of me: I kept looking for a tab or an option called TEMPLATE and could not find one.

Now I did what you said and managed to open the request :+1:

Ok i got my new Card working now, forgot to restart appdeamon… and i was able to make the button an crop image. Now when i press the Image/Button it flashes as long i press it then it goes off again.

  page popupShutter

this is myButton itz an Dual-state button

What do i need to add here that it stays on when the Lamp is on?

i looked on the on off button from the EntitiesCard but i dont know what to do :smiley:

may you can tell what is missing

Edit: I just tryed it with the onoff Button and there it works ofc. Thx a lot for the Help i think now i can do what i wanted.

Thanks! this was the only thing that worked when my panel got the pesky system data error.

That would be awesome - thanks. Can you send it to me through this forumn

nice :wink:

  1. you have to change it in the blueprint esphome is only the old version that has migrated to the blueprint

  2. no you can’t but you don’t have to keep swiping :wink:

  3. last page is a test for the update of the light settings page - that will disappear there

  4. when you change the blueprint you have to restart the nspanel → click on the gear in the lower left corner → restart

  5. please reboot nspanel - see point 4 then it is on EN

  6. yes - gear in the lower left corner and then activate sleep

hey - send me pls a private message :wink:

Hi Blackymas, I have the us version of the nspanel, but I use it in landscape mode, can I then safely use the file on github?

there is no difference in the code. My programming works with EU and US version.
Only the positions have to be adjusted to the US version.

I don’t have the US version - I can give you the HMI.

All you have to do is move the graphics and functions to the new position.

Maybe someone gives me a US panel then I do it myself :wink:

Hey, I got it to work. Thank you for your help!

Blackymas, another question: I have already installed the custom version of tasmota on the nspanel, to flash esphome can I use the tasmota commands after creating the bin file?

thank you.

now i try to use your new code with the icon in the popup, can you give a example? how to integrate ~icon~iconColor to my actually code?

here is my actually code

CustomSend pageType~popupNotify; CustomSend entityUpdateDetail~id~{{ title
    }}~65535~~~~~ {{ message }} ~65535~{{ timeout }}; Buzzer 2,2,2

and which format must icon have? mdi-lightbulb?

and the color is decimal?

i tried

CustomSend pageType~popupNotify; CustomSend entityUpdateDetail~id~{{ title
    }}~65535~~~~~ {{ message }} ~65535~{{ timeout }}~icon~mdi:alarm-light; Buzzer 2,2,2

but no luck


CustomSend pageType~popupNotify; CustomSend entityUpdateDetail~id~{{ title
    }}~65535~~~~~ {{ message }} ~65535~{{ timeout }}~fontId~icon~iconColor; Buzzer 2,2,2

icon needs to be the the acual char, you can get the char by clicking U on the cheatsheet

iconColor needs to be the RGB565 Color in Decimal, here is a color picker for it:

resulting in something like this:

CustomSend pageType~popupNotify; CustomSend entityUpdateDetail~id~{{ title
    }}~65535~~~~~ {{ message }} ~65535~{{ timeout }}~0~~2000; Buzzer 2,2,2

i tested it but with no luck, the icon is not visible, where you get the 2000? when i click for example on the “recycle” icon on the U, then i get this “”, but not the number ?

but your exa´mple doesnt works too, here is my code

CustomSend pageType~popupNotify; CustomSend entityUpdateDetail~id~{{ title
    }}~65535~~~~~ {{ message }} ~65535~{{ timeout }}~~; Buzzer 2,2,2

i installed the latest hacs release, and before i updated the tft file with this link


my example was wrong; edited the post

the number is the color of the icon; as I said color picker is here:

yeah that works well.

but, is it possible to add the {{ message }} under the icon ?
Or next to the icon?
This is all a bit confused, how you see here in my picture

You can move the notification down with newlines (before the message) and you can change the font size aswell through the number before the icon.

Added some info about that to the docs.

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thats perfect, great work!!
gives any other new function since the last update? or gives a page where i can look?

is it possible when iam under the icon with the message, to align it left?

For already implemented features in the current dev version you can have a look to the next milestone.

Besides that cardPower is also already usable in current release, even though not finished.

no, that’s not possible

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