Sonoff NSPanel by ITead - Smart Scene Wall Switch based on ESP32 and custom Nextion Touch Screen Panel Display (non-Pro variant)

I am trying to backup the NSPanel before flashing. Does anybody know the correct Flash size that should be used.

okay thank you, one more question is it possible to use by the statusicon a template with a group, not ON or OFF, for example

        entity: group.devices_lights_on
          "=0": mdi:window-closed-variant
          ">0": mdi:window-open-variant
          "=0": [44, 49, 52]
          ">0": [255, 0, 0]

no, there is an open feature request for this

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jobraun Hi I wanted to know the difference between the nextion files: he-release.tft and he-us-l-release.tft. Is there a difference between the EU nextion panel and the US one in landscape position?

yes, the eu version of the panel has 30px of the screen hidden behind the edge, resulting into theese two differences:

  • all ui elemenets are shifted 15px to the right in th us-l version
  • the touch offset for the eu version has been removed in us-l version

Ok so from a hardware point of view the nextions are the same model!

yes, same panel even through the eu screen is smaller

Just tell me how to send it to you. Have made a copy

i have 4 groups of lights, that i switch on and off with automations. They consist of lights and switches
I want to add them to nspanel, but it doesn’t accept groups. How can i solve that?
adding the automation doesnt switch them either

Create a boolean and toggle that, then create an automation to toggle all lights in the group.

it’s there a way to disable the screensaver? when the nspanel open to be like thermostat or lights card?

In case your question is related to lovelace you can set sleepTimeout to 0 do you refer to lovelace? I don’t see why groups shouldn’t work. Please explain your configuration and check the logs from appdaemon for errors.

thank you! it’s working

well i have this in groups.yaml:
switched on through an automation at sunset

    name: Buitenlampen aan zonsondergang
      - light.buitenverlichting_voor
      - light.tuinhuisje_voor
      - light.tuinhuisje_zijkant
      - light.garage_links

and this in apps.yaml

      - type: cardGrid
          - entity: group.buitenlampen_aan_zonsondergang
            name: buitenlampen


      - type: cardEntities
        title: -LAMPEN SCHAKELAARS-
           - entity: group.buitenlampen_aan_zonsondergang
             name: buitenlampen

but both show unsupported on the nspanel

I would like to set the physical buttons on the NSPanel so only a long press of a button activates the relay. A short press would activate a smart light in Home Assistant but a long press would be a backup to turn the power off and on to the same light using the relay.

This would allow me to use the buttons to activate the smart lights but if the Home Assistant computer or network fails I will still be able to toggle the actual power to the lights therefore turning them on “manually”.

Does anybody know whether this is possible? And if so, how to do it. My NSPanel is running Tasmota.

Could anyone please point me to the folder within the config/appdaemon area to change the background colour of the screensaver, I can see from the docs I need the “background” key but cannot find where to enter the r g b value, or where it should be created. Does any one with an alternative background colour care to share that bit of yaml so I can see what todo. Thanks

in your apps.yaml

      entity: weather.k3ll3r
      doubleTapToUnlock: True
        background: [255,0,0]

Should be possible to do this with Tasmota Rules.

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Wasn’t aware that there are this kind of groups in homeassistant and I’m acually also unable to find documentation about this, at least at first glance.

Is this a deprecated feature?

Thoose groups are the old-style groups, which are indeed not supported by my project use the new way to configure groups in homeassistant, as recommeneded in HA Docs.

Old Style Groups

You can create Groups though Helpers in the UI and also through configuration.yaml.

You will end up with entities that are still in the correct domain (switch, light, cover, etc.)

HA Groups Docs

Thanks for your help here. I’ll see if I can figure out how to set this up using the info in the links you provided.