i have a sonoff nspanel flashed with esphome. I have a raspberry pi3 with home assistant to control my devices. But when i use esphome via the addon and i want to install a .yaml file then crashed it. Because the raspberry pi3 have not the power to do this.
so i have installed home assistant on my pc via virtual box, and then it install is correct. But when i use the nspanel then it doesnt control the devices. I have copied the .yaml file from the pc to the raspberry. But that doesnt work either.
i do something wrong i guess!! Hope someone can help me. Otherwise i sell the panels
‘it is not working’ … how do you think we can help if you provide no details ?
what IS working, does the device boot fine
what is NOT working if not above
‘does not control’ which devices
did you use any examples yaml/hmi?
… I am happy to buy the panels …but more happy if you get it working
shit, i have downloaded the .yaml file multiple times. And windows make then (1) (2) etc. So i uploaded the wrong .yaml file. So now is everything working