i have raspbery pi 4, and use Home Assistant about 2 years. I had a lot of devices in my HA and everythings works perfectly because this perfect community.
Last week i started had problem with my smart plug. I have a few of Sonoff plug and this works with app ewelink and i have also plugs from Maker (similiar sonoff). It worked like sonoff plug, because i mad some configuration base internet guide. It use SmartLife app. My problem is, that my Maker plug now i can not use because those plugs HA see as unavailable. What i tried:
Delete device and want to discover againt, but after restart HA it appears again. So i can not delet it. I delete it in integration in Sonoff integration, then i choose my device KitchenPlug and there is only in part download diagnostic data possibility through 3 dots menu to delete. After delete in dissappear ,but after restart it is there again. I have this line in configutation.yaml
username: !secret mykeyword
password: !secret mykeyword2
# reload: always
I tried with uncommented reload also with commented reload. But still it appear again.
i tried delete sonoff file in .storage./sonoff/Myfile.com.json to clear devices, but it didnt helps.
Strange is, that i see my Kitchen plug in SmartLife app and i can remotly turn it on and off. I can not add this plug to Ewelink app. I dont know why, i press 4s button for pairing, but it is not discovered.
I also dont understand, why my plugs has in SmartLife app strange IP adress. Not as usual 192.168.1.XX but 89.17…Device status is Local
I despearate because my plugs worked but suddenly it stops.
Pls. do you have any suggestions?
thank you