Sonoff POW MQTT Topic misunderstanding?

Hello ,

I don’t want to use the standard sonoff mqqt topic .

My configuration looks like this.


For Example:


If I view the konsole via the sonoff / tasmota webinterface the generated messages looks like this

15:15:50 MQT: home/livingroom/tele/tv/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-10-08T15:15:50","ENERGY":{"Total":103.401,"Yesterday":1.741,"Today":0.173,"Power":0,"Factor":0.00,"Voltage":0,"Current":0.000}}

Normally , I would expect my switch.yaml configurations have to look like this.

- platform: mqtt
name: "Switch TV"
command_topic: "home/livingroom/cmnd/tv/POWER1"
state_topic: "home/livingroom/stat/tv/POWER1"
state_on: 'ON'
state_off: 'OFF'
availability_topic: "home/livingroom/tele/tv/LWT"

But this configuration does not work… , but from my understanding it has to.

What works if I ignore my hole custom prefix stuff /home/livingroom

- platform: mqtt
name: "Switch TV"
command_topic: "home/livingroom/cmnd/tv/POWER1"
state_topic: "stat/tv/POWER1"
state_on: 'ON'
state_off: 'OFF'
availability_topic: "home/livingroom/tele/tv/LWT"

Now I am able to switch the switch and receiving the correct information about the status.

But can’t imagen that this is working as designed …

Any thoughts ?