I have a different sonoff inching in my coffee maker wired in parallel with the momentary on/off pushbutton. Its linked via the ewelink app and the integration in HA. I might replace it with this one and try flashing that one also. The inching style can be used for garage door opener but I have a Mimolink on it already. I think I might open up my portable AC unit and wire one with its on/off pushbutton…
I use the default firmware to control the compute
if i have a soldering iron i will do tasmota flash in the future…
video demo open PC from GOOGLE HOME
Hello, but to put the RE5V1C in flash mode do I have to hold the button down so that it flashes quickly or three quick flashes and one long?
Thanks so much
I see that it uses the LM1117 - 33 which has a maximum input voltage up to 20V while the device is specified at 5V.
Do you see any reason why this cannot be powered with a 12 V DC ?
I need to use it as a clean contact inside a consolle where the 12V is available; otherwise I need to use a 7805 (but if not needed why should I ?). Thanks for your help.
If your electonics analysis deems it should be able to run off 12V DC despite the manufacturer’s posted specs of 5V DC then give it go and see. At the low price of C$2.74 for the device, if you smell fried electronics &/or see smoke, you’re not out a lot of money!
Sorry for the late reply. I did not receive any note from the forum.
Yes; of course it’s not the money but the reliability of the device that is more worring.
At the end I used a 7805 (not expensive device).
Do you have any idea about the wifi antenna location on the PCB ?
I need to put an external antenna because the device is located inside an aluminim wall box and wifi is masked.
Hi! I am looking for a solution to detect if there’s power in the 220 V circuit, and to send alerts when it appears and disappears to my minipc via usb port.
Can I reuse somehow your idea or maybe you may guide me in a proper direction? Thanks!
No. The Sonoff RE5V1C is just a device that opens/closes a relay based on a wi-fi control input or a button press on the device.
You would have to devise a circuit using a relay such that when the coil is energized via 220V input (thus closing the contacts), when that 220V power is absent, the contacts open. The open or closed contacts could then be used as a control input to another circuit/device that would then somehow be connected to something on your minipc USB port. I have no idea off the top of my head what the somehow’s or somethings’s would be.
The question I have is: is this house mains 220V power or what?
If house mains, what is powering the minipc and the desired circuitry?
You’ve more or less left me trying to guess the actual application and exact intent…