Sonoff RF Bridge & Door sensor issues

It seems you listen on the wrong topic

Go to Developer Tools > MQTT and in Listen to a Topic enter sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/RESULT then either open the Garage Door or use some other method to cause the Sonoff RF Bridge to publish a payload. When the payload is published, you should see it in Listen to a topic .

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OK its coming up now

OK I think I see what the problem is let me try fix it, damn!

My binarysensors file is set to tele/sonoff-rf-bridge/RESULT and it needs to be sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/RESULT

Yes, you got it !

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OK its working now, silly mistake on my part, thank you for your help I learnt a lot through all of this.

Weirdly though I see that the state does not change on the RF bridge each time I move the sensor from the open to closed position and the other way around, if I reboot it it works the first few times but then some state changes go unnoticed.

Are there any warning or error messages in Home Assistant’s system log?

Sorry my post was a bit ambiguous, so I’m talking purely about the RF Bridge and not HA so if I’m logged into the console on the bridge and move a sensor from the closed to open state it picks it up, then randomly misses some of these state changes i.e. when I move it back it doesn’t get detected but will pick up the next state.

The door sensors are about 5 metres from the bridge so its not signal related and they have new batteries.

16:24:46 MQT: homeassistant/sensor/C72BD1_status/config = {"name":"sonoff-rf-bridge status","stat_t":"~HASS_STATE","avty_t":"~LWT","frc_upd":true,"pl_avail":"Online","pl_not_avail":"Offline","json_attributes_topic":"~HASS_STATE","unit_of_meas":" ","val_tpl":"{{value_json['RSSI']}}","ic":"mdi:information-outline","uniq_id":"C72BD1_status","device":{"identifiers":["C72BD1"],"connections":[["mac","DC:4F:22:C7:2B:D1"]],"name":"sonoff-rf-bridge","model":"Sonoff Bridge","sw_version":"8.1.0(tasmota)","manufacturer":"Tasmota"},"~":"sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/"} (retained)
16:24:48 MQT: sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/STATE = {"Time":"2020-01-31T16:24:48","Uptime":"0T00:00:07","UptimeSec":7,"Heap":28,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":46,"MqttCount":1,"Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"10A Fairview [2GHZ]","BSSId":"64:D1:54:F6:27:D7","Channel":1,"RSSI":100,"Signal":-48,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:01"}}
16:25:05 MQT: sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/RESULT = {"Time":"2020-01-31T16:25:05","RfReceived":{"Sync":10730,"Low":320,"High":1040,"Data":"6A0103","RfKey":"None"}}
16:25:15 MQT: sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/RESULT = {"Time":"2020-01-31T16:25:15","RfReceived":{"Sync":10740,"Low":330,"High":1030,"Data":"6A010F","RfKey":"None"}}
16:26:25 MQT: sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/RESULT = {"Time":"2020-01-31T16:26:25","RfReceived":{"Sync":10730,"Low":330,"High":1040,"Data":"6A0103","RfKey":"None"}}
16:29:34 MQT: sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/RESULT = {"Time":"2020-01-31T16:29:34","RfReceived":{"Sync":10590,"Low":340,"High":1020,"Data":"6A010F","RfKey":"None"}}
16:29:43 MQT: sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/HASS_STATE = {"Version":"8.1.0(tasmota)","BuildDateTime":"2019-12-25T12:33:25","Core":"2_6_1","SDK":"2.2.2-dev(38a443e)","Module":"Sonoff Bridge","RestartReason":"Software/System restart","Uptime":"0T00:05:02","WiFi LinkCount":1,"WiFi Downtime":"0T00:00:01","MqttCount":1,"BootCount":18,"SaveCount":33,"IPAddress":"","RSSI":"100","LoadAvg":19}
16:29:48 MQT: sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/STATE = {"Time":"2020-01-31T16:29:48","Uptime":"0T00:05:07","UptimeSec":307,"Heap":27,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":20,"MqttCount":1,"Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"10A Fairview [2GHZ]","BSSId":"64:D1:54:F6:27:D7","Channel":1,"RSSI":100,"Signal":-47,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:01"}}
16:30:08 MQT: sonoff-rf-bridge/tele/RESULT = {"Time":"2020-01-31T16:30:08","RfReceived":{"Sync":10730,"Low":320,"High":1040,"Data":"6A0103","RfKey":"None"}}

There were probably about 10 state changes and its only detected 5

I see. It sounds like there may be an issue with signal strength, and some RF packets are not being received, or the transmitting device is at fault and fails to report all events.

I don’t think its an RF issue, as I said distance from sensors to bridge is around 5 meters (I’m still testing) and 433Mhz can easily do around 50 meters or more. Its doing it on 3 different sensors

I’ll play around with it though and report back on my findings, thanks for the input and help earlier.

If you don’t believe it’s an RF issue then the problem may be the transmitting device: it fails to report some of its events.

Today I bought a Sonoff RF bridge and flashed it with Tasmota.
I also got a Digoo DG-HOSA (sku 675176) door sensor.
In the Tasmota Console I can see a message when i move the magnet away from the sensor.
18:36:07 MQT: tele/RF_Bridge/RESULT = {"Time":"2020-08-15T18:36:07","RfReceived":{"Sync":12960,"Low":430,"High":1260,"Data":"30D8D6","RfKey":"None"}}

But I don’t get any message when I move it towards the sensor !?
Does this sensor only has 1 code? of is there something wrong (maybe in what i’m doing)

You bought the wrong digoo door sensor. This one only has an ‘open’ code.

OK,… That is to bad.
how can I know if a sensor has open / close / (battery low)
On the sellers site this is not mentioned.

Difficult to know.
These have:

That digoo you have, I have one too, that’s how I know.

I noticed, when i left all untouched the next line with “Data”:“FFFFFF”
where does this stand for? it is not OPEN or CLOSED

14:29:10 MQT: tele/RF_Bridge/RESULT = {"Time":"2020-08-16T14:29:10","RfReceived":{"Sync":3280,"Low":70,"High":160,"Data":"FFFFFF","RfKey":"None"}}

Are you able to receive Battery Levels, or Low battery signal from Door/Window Sensors with this setup?

Hello @123

wanted to ask you for your help in setting up binary sensor for event/value which remains empty.




1x press

2x press


- platform: mqtt
  name: "zb_button_1x"
  state_topic: "tele/zbbridge/SENSOR"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.ZbReceived['0x1AB6']['0006!02'] }}"
  device_class: update
  payload_on: " "

I don’t have an answer because I have never experimented with an MQTT Binary Sensor that employs empty payloads.