I have a 433mhz water sensor that I have working with Sonoff RF Bridge(Tasmota) and MQTT. The water detection alert works fine, but the water sensor doesn’t send a signal when there is no longer water. I tried setting up an automation to clear the status, but it isn’t working. Any thoughts?
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "tele/RF_Bridge/RESULT"
name: 'Basement Water Sensor'
value_template: '{{value_json.RfReceived.Data}}'
payload_on: '6EEC0C'
payload_on: '6EEC0Coff'
device_class: Moisture
qos: 1
Automation to clear sensor:
- alias: Reset basement water detecotr
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.basement_water_sensor
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
for: "01:00:00"
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: tele/RF_Bridge/RESULT
payload: 6EEC0Coff