Sonoff Rf Bridge - not flashed, but doable?


I was wondering if it is possible to add the Sonoff Rf Bridge without flashing the bridge?

I know there’s probably a lot of advantages by doing it, but the knowledge and equipment to do it, is not something I have.


All you need to flash one is a FT232RL module which costs about £3 and a few male / female dupont cables. You don’t even need to solder any wires.

It’s really worth doing so you can use the Sonoff-Tasmota firmware.
You can flash alsort with that firmware such as light switches and 4 way power strips etc.

So I guess - not possible without?

I didn’t connect mine to Tuya / Smart life so not 100% sure but it doesn’t look like you can control it without flashing.

There is no support on ifttt for RF Bridge.

You could possibly use the Tuya component in HASS and see if you can detect it as a switch or set a scene up in the app to react too?

Personally I would look into flashing it, then you are not reliant on Chinese cloud services.

I guess I will have to get such a kit then.
Can you perhaps link me one, so I will get the correct one?

Are you then using it through mqtt?

Just look for one local to your country or buy one from China and wait for the dead donkey delivery service.

Yes I am using mqtt not really spent much time setting any proper automation’s up using RF yet.
I can give some pointers though when you get going as I really need to get round to setting up my door / window sensors.

Thanks man! Much appreciated!