I just flahsed Tasmota Firmware with the latest version v9.2.0.
Everything is working fine with MQTT. I am able to receive data like tele/rfbridge/RESULT = {"RfReceived":{"Sync":10610,"Low":330,"High":1030,"Data":"5DFA03","RfKey":"None"}}
Home assistant is able to dectect light’s on or light’s off.
However, the frustrating issue that I am facing is unable to use command or MQTT to turn on or off the light.
I can see mqtt broker got the commands but the light didn’t react.
Then I tried the virutal keys from webUI.
I went to Console -> Rfkey1 2 -> key Learnt
Then I press key 1
I saw in console stat/rfbridge/RESULT = {"RfKey1":"Learned sent"}
However, the light didn’t react.
Then I verified the Key 1
Rfkey1 5
I saw stat/rfbridge/RESULT = {"RfKey1":{"Sync":10610,"Low":340,"High":830,"Data":"5DFA03"}} in console. Still no reaction iof the light.
I am out of ideas what went wrong.
Could someone please suggest how to debug deeper or if that is the faulty from the hardware?
Many thanks for your reply.
I tried the code above.
command_topic: cmnd/rfbridge/backlog doesn’t do anything, and no out from console
so I changed to command_topic: cmnd/rfbridge/rfcode
I see the output from mqtt console.
stat/rfbridge/RESULT = {"RfCode":"#5DFA03"}
However, the light is still no reaction.
So if I make the question simpler, if i made virtual key 1 (from webUI) learnt and it is still not triggering the light, does it mean that is a hardware issue as it is not sending RF signals. If it is a hardware issue, then even the config in HA setup correctly, it won’t do anything still.
The built in firmware only supports limited RF Code formats, on my curtain controllers I needed to use the Portisch Firmware so I could send RAW B0 codes to them.
The “;rfraw off” turns the RF RAW mode off so you can recieve other RF commands the normal way. I just use RF RAW to trigger the curtain controllers, as I have my normal sensors that just report as value_template: '{{ trigger.payload_json.RfReceived.Data == "1234EE" }}' etc