Sonoff RF bridge - PIR MQTT off_delay invalid option

is off_delay not supported anymore in ver 0.97.2 ?
I have been trying to setup a sonoff PIR and using off_delay is a very elegant soklution for sensor that do not send an “off” state

My understanding is that one will setup a binary sensor ( sensor.yaml) just like this

- platform: mqtt
  name: 'Hallway Motion'
  state_topic: 'sonoff/tele/RESULT'
  value_template: >-
    {% if value_json.RfReceived.Data == 'F0C21E' %}
    {% else %}
      {{states('binary_sensor.hallway_motion') | upper}}
    {% endif %}
  off_delay: 15
  device_class: motion

Invalid config for [sensor.mqtt]: [off_delay] is an invalid option for [sensor.mqtt]. Check: sensor.mqtt->off_delay.

I did look at the documentation and indeed off_delay is not there anymore
does that mean that I have to create an automation to send off payload every x seconds ?

Is anyone able and willing to provide a working example ?

Sounds like you’re confusing the MQTT Sensor and MQTT Binary Sensor. off_delay is only available with the latter, whereas it looks like you’re trying to use the former.