Sonoff S40 Lite Stuck at Starting Interview

Hello all,

I just got some Sonoff S40 Lite plugs and I am trying to pair them with Home Assistant via ZHA. The device is found and I get the “Starting Interview” box, but that is as far as it goes.

I am running HA on a RPi with a Sonoff Dongle-P. The dongle is approximately 6 feet away from the Raspberry Pi on a USB extension cable. I have six other Zigbee devices and none of them are having issues.

Thanks in advance for any help.

I’m having issues connecting S40 Lite Plugs to Zigbee2MQTT HA via conbee II.

Failed to interview ‘0x00124b0024c0ca38’, device has not successfully been paired

I had no issues connecting the S31 Lite via Zigbee.

Thanks for the info. So, it could very well be the S40! When I ordered them I got the S40s over the S31s because they were a little cheaper. I guess I know why now. I think I am going to return these and try the S31s.

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I bought a dozen of the S40 Lite plugs because I, too, thought I was saving money.

I tried 2 and had the same issue with both. Glad to see that you posted the thread, as I thought I might be doing something wrong. It looks like it should be supported, I’ll submit a report. SONOFF S40ZBTPB control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT