SONOFF SNZB-01 – Zigbee Wireless Switch - deConz blueprint

Blueprint to configure Sonoff Switch Mini Zigbee connected through deConz integration

Blueprint available here: blueprint

product available here: Sonoff SNZB-01

supported actions:

  • single press (release)
  • long press
  • double press

hi @pawelmb, I’m new here. I have same hardware but I want to turn on, if it’s off, or turn off it’s on. How can I do this with your blueprint. I tried to add some conditions but I couldn’t make it work. Thank you!

I already find the way! I missed the ‘toggle’ option for the lights!

hi @pawelmb
I installed today the blueprint, but at least on my environment, it was not showing the device.
I had to remove the following lines
integration: deconz
manufacturer: eWeLink
and leave only
model: WB01
for the filter to work.
After that all went smooth