SONOFF SNZB-02 ZigBee problem

I have HA 2021.12.7 on RPi with Zigbee Coordinator (POPP ZB-SHIELD (ZIGBEE))
When i add sensor SONOFF SNZB-02 ZigBee system has sensor recognized. Temp+battery+humidity has visible for me. In few hours the system reports, device is Unavailable.
Other sensor AQARA Temperature & Humidity & Atmospheric Pressure Sensor works fine all time.

what’s the problem?

P.S. SONOFF SNZB-02 ZigBee (discovered how TH01by eWeLink) has a new battery, it is even exchanged for a new one at the dealer, and still same problem.


SONOFF SNZB-02 ZigBee Temperature And Humidity Sensor

AQARA Temperature & Humidity & Atmospheric Pressure Sensor

I’ve had weird issues with mine too. I have to add and remove it and keep doing that until in enumerates all the features then it seems to work fine, but it’s very odd that I had to do that hat dance to make it work.

I have same issue the temp is 22 and not ever changed

I came to a conclusion that this sensor is crap…

Agreed - I have 3 and they are all failing. What to buy next…