I have one since february, that one works normally ever since.
Recently bought two more, but these do not report data normally.
one of the new sensors and the old one are next to each other, one reports data as it changes, the other only reports rarely, and inaccurately
the model and the fw-version is the same for all (at least as reported by zb2mqtt)
Case solved by setting up the reporting parameters with the zigbee2mqtt frontend (web UI)
Many error toaster rise during the setup, but the process works fine eventually
I also made the reports from the 02(not D) devices rarer to spare battery
now all devices report by the same schedule
I also have big trouble with my 8 SONOFF SNZB-02D. In average two of these eight per day stop reporting values and need repairing with removing battery, restarting Z2M and all this stuff. And problems got this bad when I switched from ZHA to Z2M. Using ZHA I had very few problems, maybe once per 2-3 months.
Using both Z2M and ZHA with one coordinator isn’t supported, right?