Sonoff SNZB-03 Misidentification

My Sonoff SNZB-03 motion sensor has stopped working, reported as ‘unavailable’, and it now thinks it is a leak/moisture sensor. I did see a report that some code was changed to correct problem that people with actual leak/moisture sensors were having where their sensors thought they were motion sensors. Apparently that code change is the reason for my current problem. I believe the code has since been reversed. I am not sure where the new code is available for download or if this is part of the HA Zigbee integration.

Could you clarify how the sensor is connected to your setup? Are you using ZHA or Z2M?

Connected via Zigbee, ZHA. This was working until recently. I can remove and reinstall the device but none of the correct entities are available.

This issue is likely caused by a software or integration update. Verify that Home Assistant and the ZHA integration are fully updated. If they are already up to date, try re-pairing the sensor. Interestingly, the same sensor appears to work perfectly with Zigbee2MQTT (Z2M), suggesting the problem might be specific to ZHA.

Apparently there are a plethora of issues like this with ZHA devices. There is even a term for it, ZHA_quirks. There is some information at Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant, which shows how to change the device type for ZHA. This has, at least for now, fixed the motion sensor.

    84:71:27:ff:fe:93:17:24-1:    # format: {ieee}-{endpoint_id}
      type: "switch"              # corrected device type"

The latest version of HA Core seems to have remedied this problem. After loading ver. 2024.12.1 and removing the zha configuration from configuration.yaml the motion sensor is correctly identified.

Be aware that those sensors can be unreliable by giving a lot of false positives.
Just saying.

Hi, I have the same sintom with Z2M.
The device go to unavailable after xxx hours