Hi, I’m new in HA, I just setup everthing via DrZz’s guide on youtube.
I’ve flash sonoff sv to latest tasmota firmware 8.3.1, then set GPIO14 to switch2(10),GPIO 4 to Relay2 (22) and put following commands in tamota console:
It works when I click any arrows, just can not see the status
My configuaration in HA
- platform: mqtt
name: garage
state_topic: cmnd/garagestate/POWER2
command_topic: cmnd/sonoff/POWER
payload_open: ON
payload_close: ON
payload_stop: ON
state_open: ON
state_closed: OFF
optimistic: false
I’ve copied yours to my configuaration.yaml, but the result is the same, two arrows are always black, never turn to grey. but I click any arrows, they work.
Change the state_topic: “tele/garagestate/SENSOR” and value_template: ‘{{ value_json.Switch2 }}’ then accordingly.
Also you will want to change the logging interval to be shorter. Telemetry period is default 300 seconds but 30 seconds works for me.
Which version of HA are you using? I think there was a bug with this card between 0.109 and 0.109.3
Probably not the case I but thought I should mention it
when I restart HA, the down arrow turn to grey, but the problem is that no matter how I change the state of the magnet, the state in HA will not change, and the downward arrow is always grey.
Hi everybody. The garage switch is my first HA project. Thanks for the wealth of information so far. I’m having the exact same issue. I’ve tried the solution that worked for @leotantantan and still nothing. I’ll paste some screen grabs of my setup. The main difference with me is that I didn’t physically alter the SV, I added a relay instead of hacking the board. (If this is why it doesn’t work I’ll kick myself)
My switch works when I press the toggle button, and the arrows…and the stop button.
I’ve got a pulse time of 0,5 sec so the switch opens again after the press.
At this stage everything seems to work except for the feedback on HA on whether the garage is open or closed.