Sonoff T1 2CH Tasmota MQTT as Cover - Status not available

I’m not able to toggle both switches of my Sonoff T1 2CH with latest tasmota flashed on.
Device is added as cover into HASS but unfortunately I cannot control. Target is to control my shutters with this switch. I have found lot of configuration examples but I wasn’t able to adapt them.

Here is my config:

 - platform: mqtt
   name: "Wohnzimmer Rollo"
   state_topic: "stat/rollo_WohnzFenster/POWER"
#value_template: '{{ value_json["POWER"] }}' # tried also with this command, result is same
   command_topic: "cmnd/rollo_WohnzFenster/power"
   availability_topic: "tele/rollo_WohnzFenster/LWT"
   qos: 1
   payload_open: "power1 ON" #just for testing purpose , I'll ned later on to send 2 commands, but firstly I need to make this work with this setup 
   payload_close: "power2 ON"
   payload_stop: "power1 OFF;power2 OFF"
   payload_available: "Online"
   payload_not_available: "Offline"
   state_open: "ON"
   state_closed: "OFF"
   retain: true
#optimistic: true

Here is the console output from my sonoff tasmota when I try to control / toggle via HASS:

14:40:12 MQT: tele/rollo_WohnzFenster/LWT = Online (retained)
14:40:12 MQT: cmnd/rollo_WohnzFenster/POWER = 
14:40:39 MQT: tele/rollo_WohnzFenster/STATE = {"Time":"2018-09-22T14:40:39","Uptime":"0T00:07:53","Vcc":3.152,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"blabla","RSSI":92,"APMac":"54:A0:xx:xx:xx:xx"}}
14:41:06 MQT: stat/rollo_WohnzFenster/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
14:41:06 MQT: stat/rollo_WohnzFenster/POWER1 = OFF
14:41:47 MQT: stat/rollo_WohnzFenster/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
14:41:47 MQT: stat/rollo_WohnzFenster/POWER1 = OFF

The state_topic: needs to match this, so

state_topic: "stat/rollo_WohnzFenster/POWER1"

I don’t have a tasmota, but from other posts I think the command matches the status message, so I would change the command topic to this and see what happens. If not, you will have to wait for someone with a tasmota :grinning:

   command_topic: "cmnd/rollo_WohnzFenster/POWER1"

Sure, makes sense but I’ll need both switches to make my shutter working. Also I want to avoid to display two devices.
Nevertheless, let me try with Power1, at least to toggle the first Switch. Additionally I could work with Backlog functionality and add both commands into one payload. I don’t know what is the best solution here.

Tried also with Power1, unfortunately it doesn’t work. I can only toggle when I’m using as command topic following parameter:

command_topic: "cmnd/rollo_WohnzFenster/Backlog"

Ok, meanwhile I’m able to trigger both switches as desired BUT I don’t see any status update within HASS and Apple Home App.

I have set up for testing purpose 2 switches with different setup:

         - platform: mqtt
       name: "Wohnzimmer Rollo"
       state_topic: "tele/rollo_WohnzFenster/POWER"
       value_template: '{{ value_json["POWER"] }}'
       command_topic: "cmnd/rollo_WohnzFenster/Backlog"
       availability_topic: "tele/rollo_WohnzFenster/LWT"
       qos: 1
       payload_open: "power1 ON"
       payload_close: "power2 ON"
       payload_stop: "power1 OFF;power2 OFF"
       payload_available: "Online"
       payload_not_available: "Offline"
       state_open: "ON"
       state_closed: "OFF"
       retain: true
    #optimistic: true

 - platform: mqtt
   name: "Hoch"
   state_topic: "stat/rollo_WohnzFenster/POWER"
   command_topic: "cmnd/rollo_WohnzFenster/POWER"
   availability_topic: "tele/rollo_WohnzFenster/LWT"
   qos: 1
   payload_open: "ON"
   payload_close: "OFF"
   payload_available: "Online"
   payload_not_available: "Offline"
   retain: false

As you can see, there is no status being displayed.

i know what your problem solves…

here you ran in the same trap i ran the last 8 hours

we got 1 definitive problem…
“we are both german” :wink: and we like a german config masks
so we compiled our tasmota with german lang include and thats the problem.

in detail:

when using language file:

all is fine because definition inside the lang file :

#define D_OFFLINE “Offline”
#define D_ONLINE “Online”

in our case: de-DE.h
contents is:
#define D_OFFLINE “offline”
#define D_ONLINE “online”

so in the german lang file its low_case

in all other language files as example: pl-PL.h
#define D_OFFLINE “Nieaktywny”
#define D_ONLINE “Aktywny”

i think the documentation should be made better or the language files
should be overhauled to set them all to “Offline” and “Online” because this is a technical value and not relevant for user interface.

Fazit: set the values in HASS from “Online” to “online” and “Offline” to “offline”

Best Regards

Thanks for your reply! I am using all my interfaces in Germany in English, therefore I assume the issue is not related to my language settings :frowning:
Today I went back to tasmota 5.14 but issue still persists.