Sonoff Tasmota Zigbee 3.0 Supported?

I see in the ZHA documentation is says’s Zigbee 3.0 support is up to the coordinator hardware. I have also read “the EFR32 based module in the Sonoff ZBBridge supports Zigbee 3.0” but what I haven’t figured out is if Tasmota flashed Sonoff bridge would support ZigBee 3.0 devices.

I have all the above and it has worked flawlessly for me but I just picked up some new Aqara door sensors that will not correctly connect. Strangly I have some (older?) ones that do.

I guess I just wanted to rule out ZigBee 3.0 being the culprit. I noticed the Sonoff bridge is now considered ‘not recomended’ but as I’ve said it’s worked without issue for me. But if I need to replace it with another coordinator I guess I would but I can’t use USB as my Home Assistant is a VM.

I guess the Aqara E1 door sensors ? They are problematic.

They are Aqara door sensors I got off Aliexpress. They look exactly like the ones I got off Amazon a while back but obvioulsy are not identical inside.

I also picked up the Aqara mini button that also does not work. Thou the Aqra motion and temp sensors connected just fine.

I was just curious if it was a ZigBee 3.0 issue with my coordinator or perhaps it’s a ZHA issue. Just trying to rule things in/out.

The firmware on the Sonoff Zigbee Bridge is definitely Zigbee 3.0.

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NVM, ya’ll talking Sonoff Zigbee Bridge